Is hispanic really a URM? They seem to be all over CC.

<p>Well the title basically says it... There seems to be a ton of hispanics on CC, so how are they URM's anymore?</p>

<p>Is it really specific hispanics that are URM's? (puerto rican, cuban, mexican, etc)</p>

<p>EDIT: haha wow, I mean 'an URM'? I was saying "You are em" in my head, and didn't realize the mistake. :p</p>

<p>Hispanics are a minority population–as are African-Americans… I think. Lol. I become really confused with this issue because hispanics are a growing population in the country. Therefore, it leaves me thinking whether I have an advantage when applying to colleges…</p>

<p>CC is a very small, elite representation of the college bound population. Most people on this board are scoring at least the 90th percentile of standardized tests. In general, Hispanics don’t test well or get good grades in school (not being racist). When they say URM, they mean people underrepresented in college admissions. Hispanics are underrepresented, and so are blacks. Even there are way fewer Asians than Hispanics, Asians are way more competitive and usually have outstanding academic records. I go to a school with a 50%+ Hispanic population, and unfortunately, my schools average SAT score is 1300/2400. On the other hand there is a nearby school with a 40% Asian population and their average SAT score is 1800.</p>

<p>@needstostudy same!! I feel like it was an advantage… 5+ years ago, and that it’s not anymore…</p>

<p>@Shaggy007 That’s actually kind of the case at my school. There’s a ton of hispanics at my school, but in any given honors class, there’s only 2 hispanic kids. :confused: (i’m one of them btw.) </p>

<p>But, in general, it is becoming increasingly harder for URM’s to get into top colleges, right? (not as hard as non-URM’s, but less easy…)</p>

<p>bump… any other opinions on the matter? :)</p>

<p>I hope this thread doesn’t get hijacked by random angry people. Angry people, stay away! lol</p>

<p>Rahhh ima angry and ima hijacking this thread</p>

<p>I think I read somewhere that Hispanics are the largest group of URMs and that the advantage we receive is not as much as it used to be, but we are most definitely still URMs.</p>

<p>But yea, it does seem like there are a lot of us on CC, haha. :)</p>

<p>Still URMs, still have an advantage, but it varies with: country of origin (MA & PR are the most underrepresented groups), SES, overcoming adversity, commitment to Hispanic community, and other factors. See this thread for some discussion:</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>The fact is that college admissions gets increasingly more competitive, particularly at selective schools, including for Hispanic applicants.</p>

<p>In case you haven’t noticed already, the CC population is NOT representative of the real world.</p>

<p>As much as possible, anyone with an agenda about URM or Hispanic admissions is directed off this forum and to the ‘Race’ thread on the main College Admissions forum. The Hispanic students forum, as long as I’m around, will be a place where information and support for Hispanic applicants and their parents is available. As stated by one of our own, fineartsmajormom:</p>



<p>I remember seeing a thread with people posting their stats and what schools they got into, and there was several hispanics who got into top schools with not-so-amazing stats… Is it still like that? </p>

<p>Even Harvard, there was 2 or 3 people who got in with 600’s on the SAT’s and 25’s on the ACT… It can’t still be like that, right?</p>

<p>From what I have seen, applicants that are accepted with test scores in that range come from disadvantaged backgrounds but have proven in some other way(s) that they will likely succeed at a highly selective school.</p>

<p>I don’t check Results threads anymore, but I don’t doubt that there are still some of these admits. You can check Results threads from last year and find out the answer, it pays to do your research.</p>

<p>It was a huge thread starting from 07’ to present, but it was mainly older results.</p>

<p>Most of the subforums for selective colleges will have Results threads for individual years, they are often sticky threads at the top of the forum.</p>

<p>ahh yeahh, i went through a Yale one a while ago. There wasn’t many rejections… A couple of waitlists, but mostly acceptances.</p>

<p>I went through Harvard, Columbia, Princeton and Dartmouth, and I must say; in general, most URM’s were accepted. Princeton was a little tougher, but still easier by comparison to non-URM’s. Some of the results seemed a little unrealistic though. Even with a URM status, it’s kind of hard to believe that someone with 1760? SAT score would get into Columbia.</p>

<p>Depends where you go who is an URM. At UCLA Asians are not URMs. In the midwest however they would definitely be. The same thing with Montana and Mexicans, or Colorado and African Americans.</p>



<p>This is an over generalization. While Asians are sought after by small, rural LACs in the midwest (eg. Grinnell) and elsewhere, they are not underrepresented in other midwest schools like NU and UChicago.</p>



<p>This is an under generalization. I don’t think there is any state in the US where MA and AA are not underrepresented.</p>


<p>Be aware that many more people who are accepted post their results than do those who are denied.</p>

<p>I am very concerned that you are coming to conclusions about Hispanic admissions to selective colleges that are overly optimistic because you are only considering stats and not the circumstances behind the stats as I have discussed in my other posts.</p>



<p>I’m not sure how you come to this conclusion. Looking at all posters, I saw plenty of rejections on the 8 pages of Results for Y. And of the people indicating that they were Hispanic, 2 were accepted and 4 rejected (including the first poster with a 2400 SAT, 36 ACT, 4.0, first in class - and they are not a ■■■■■, I know that positively).</p>



<p>Please note, all URMs are NOT the same for college admissions. If I were to assess URM desirability in college admissions, it would be: NA >>> AA > Hispanic. And as I have continually stated, not all Hispanics are the same either. I don’t have the time to go through all of the Results threads, but I would caution anyone from believing that it is easy to gain acceptance to selective colleges simply due to being Hispanic.</p>

<p>I’ve said my piece, I’ll let others comment now.</p>

<p>Well I didn’t mean to come across as someone who thinks they’ll get in anywhere with mediocre stats, but it just seems that that’s how it works in admissions… Even if all Hispanics got in automatically, I’d still be scared that I’d be that one exception. XD</p>

<p>Either way, no matter how many URM’s i see get into top schools, I’ll still never be confident I’ll get into any automatically. With my luck, I’ll probably get rejected from every school I apply to. :P</p>

<p>Btw, i know there are many definitely qualified URM’s, but there were also alot of URM’s with stats not as spectacular as most others…</p>

<p>Anyway, my post wasn’t about that issue, it was about the fact that hispanics seem to be all over CC and it’s weird to me that they’re still URM’s. Like you guys have said though, CC probably isn’t a good place to judge from though.</p>



<p>Threads evolve, in post #10 you started talking about Results threads. I deal with data, and when I see data being misrepresented, I will respond because it is a disservice to others coming later not to address posts that are factually incorrect.</p>