<p>I'm in the CAS and I really like the courseload of Information Science. But, I'm not sure if it can stand alone as a major. Is Information Science a Legit Major?</p>
<p>yea, I know at NYU Stern (where i attend) and other business schools that major is likely geared towards people looking to enter the field of IT (information technology) ...</p>
<p>It's a legit major if you want it to be. One of my friends has some nice job offers with an Info Sci degree. The CS majors will mock you though, especially if you just coast through on the bare minimum requirements.</p>
<p>there's a great IS concentration offered for people in all the schools. all you do is take like 4 IT/IS classes and youve got it. its incredibly useful and versatile, its surprising the amount of businesses in need of IS-savy employees.</p>