<p>I'm applying to Duke, U of Chicago, Stanford, and some other high level schools that want 2 teacher recommendations and 1 rec from a counselor. My brother seems to think that they don't specifically want a guidance counselor, but just an administrator. A long time family friend that knows me way better than my guidance counselor (it's a pretty big school and she's kind of a kook) just got kicked upstairs to Dean at my high school. Should I use him to write that letter of rec rather than my guidance counselor? I know he could write a way better letter, but is that allowed? </p>
<p>Really all my guidance counselor could talk about is my rigorous schedule (which speaks for itself: upward trends, tougher than possible senior schedule with 8 ap classes, took classes over summer online so i could take certain AP classes) whereas the Dean could shed a lot more light on who I am and also talk about how I'm a student athlete and other stuff.</p>