<p>I've heard from a lot of my friends and tutor places like ELITE who suggest not to take the SAT more than 3 times...</p>
<p>Is it really that bad? I mean, looking at some of the applications like the common app just suggest the scores best out of any sitting...which reverts back to my question of does it really matter on how many times you take the test? </p>
<p>I was always curious about this.</p>
<p>Yeah, upto 3 is fine. But past that and it starts to look like your obsessing over the SAT, which, remember, is only one part of many in your app! They don’t like to see you obsessing over it, so only do more than 3 if like you were sick on your 3rd attempt or some extenuating circumstances screwed u in previous tests</p>
<p>Don’t take it more than 3 times. My son took the test twice and plans on taking it again in June. Each time he takes the SAT test he improves with his score.</p>
<p>a few schools do frown on taking it more than twice. most are ok with 3 though. and if you are going to do a third, make sure your score gain will be worth it by either prepping solo really intensely or getting a tutor</p>
<p>I’ve taken it 2 times already. I’ve improved but only by 60 points. 
Why is it so bad to take it more than 3 times?</p>
<p>“Why is it so bad to take it more than 3 times?”</p>
<p>“it starts to look like your obsessing over the SAT”</p>
<p>I don’t think that the difference between 3 times and 4 times is a big deal at all, especially not to larger schools. If you want to take it 4 times because you really think the 4th time will be the charm for you, go ahead.</p>
<p>Your SAT score is just one part of your admissions package.</p>
<p>Good luck.</p>
<p>Also, if you are retaking it because you are having trouble with it, the first question I would ask is “Have you tried the ACT?” Some people do much better on the ACT. (Others do better on the SAT. It is hard to predict which will work out better for any given student.)</p>
<p>I took the SAT 4 times and still got accepted to UC Berkeley. I faced so much criticism telling me don’t do it(people said I won’t get into anywhere and that my score wouldn’t change), but I still did it one last time and was able to raise my score 120 points.</p>
<p>I took the SAT three times. First to second improved my score 130 points; second to third only improved my score 70 points (my math and writing dropped but my reading went up 90 points). Mind you, I never studied for it, though! If you study hard, taking it a fourth time may be worth it. But! I took the ACT the week after the last time I took the SAT, and that score was approx. equivalent to 130 points better than my highest SAT composite (33 = 2190 compared to a 2060). If you have already taken the SAT three times, I would suggest taking the ACT.</p>