Is it difficult to get a 3.3 GPA at SOM?

Hi, I’m most likely going to SOM next year (freshman). However, I received a “guaranteed transfer option” to Cornell my sophomore year, but I must maintain at least a 3.3 GPA (with no classes under a B). I’m not sure if I’m going to take the option, but I’m curious about SOM’s rigor nonetheless.
I had a 96 UW and 106 W high school average (9 APs), but I understand that college courses are much tougher so I’m a bit nervous.


Is there a list of courses you have to take 1st year or is it open?

@lostaccount There’s a required list of three courses (writing seminar, microeconomics, and either bio/history). The rest are up to me, but I have to have at least 15 credits per semester.

I would think a 3.3 would be very do-able. The university has great grade inflation.