Is it harder to get into Virginia Tech if I am OOS?

<p>I noticed the acceptance rate for Virginia Tech is fairly high. However, is it harder to get in OOS? (I am trying to see whether I can use it for my safety or not.)</p>

<p>Are most students IS or OOS.. what are the percentages?</p>

<p>By the way, I’m going to be a biology major. Is it easier to get in for biology than for engineering?</p>

<p>It’s harder to get in for anyone that is outside of Virginia for any public Virginia school.</p>

<p>Biology is easier than engineering, for VT that is.</p>

<p>I cant think of about a dozen friends right away who are OOS, so it can’t be that difficult.</p>

<p>when i visited there at the info meeting they said that its not that much different from getting in in state or out of state. I mean it is probably easier to get in as a instate tho but its not that much harder for an out of state. there is a quota i think like 25% to 30% are out of state. But compared to the ratio of out of state kids that apply and are acceppted to the number of instate that kids that apply and are accepted they are pretty much equal. This is because there are not that many out of state kids applying. and it is easier to get into biology than engineering or architecture. However i have heard that is it almost impossible to get into other schools like UVA as an out of state and its almost like applying to an ivy.</p>

<p>I meant can think, not cant think.</p>

<p>thank you! I’m applying to UVA too though… <em>crosses fingers</em></p>

<p>There is an old joke in VA about UVA and VATech. UVA is hard to get into, but easy to stay, VATech is easy to get into, but hard to stay. The reason for that is UVA has been traditionally ranked in the top 5 in the nation for public universities, thus, the caliber of students are Ivy league status, VATech is not ranked as high, thus, when they get there, it is hard to maintain that gpa when you combine it with classes, football games and social life, making it hard to stay.</p>

<p>Good luck.</p>

<p>As far as OOS it is true, that it comes down to %. If there are a low number of OOS students applying your chances maybe better than an IS. A few yrs back (probably 2 now) there was a hooplah within the state from parents that more OOS students with lower stats were getting in while their IS student with higher stats who we pay taxes for were being rejected, that is why they reduced the % from 30 to 25 for OOS. </p>

<p>For at least our area in VA, many parents are not allowing their children to apply to VATech, due to the fact for 3 straight yrs there has been issues …the shooting, then last yr another shooting, and this yr on 1st day back a girl went missing.</p>

<p>It is our DD’s number 1 choice for sociology and we are sitting on pins and needles for the next 2 weeks waiting for the answer.</p>

<p>I’m a biology major at Tech from New Jersey. If you let me know some of your scores, etc. I can compare them to mine and give you an idea of your likelihood of getting in.</p>

<p>Do you apply to the major or to VT?</p>

<p>Morgan Harrington’s disappearance has truly been terrible, to say the absolute least. I do not, however, understand how her disappearance from the UVA campus in itself could raise an issue with the campus of Virginia Tech.</p>

<p>"Do you apply to the major or to VT? "</p>

<p>It is our understanding that you apply to the major, but if you are not accepted into that major, you will be considered for acceptance into university studies. There are limited slots in a few majors like engineering, so if you do not get accepted into one of those, you could still be accepted to VT.</p>

<p>I want to go to VT as a bio major too and im from PA. my sat scores were 480 critical reading 600 math and 530 writing. I take honors classes 3.5 gpa and 4.22 weighted</p>