Is it me or has the college admission system been a little screwed up?

<p>I might have just been unlucky.</p>

<p>I applied to seven California universities and I only received admission for one school, CSULB which has a guarantee admission in my district if you qualify with a certain GPA and SAT score. I played 4 years tennis (2 on varsity), club president for 2 years, publicist for a club for 2 years, and MANY extra curricular activities including 3 years of hospital volunteering. I also have taken 8 AP classes and by the time of my application had a 3.98 GPA. I received a 1780 SAT and 28 ACT, and 680 SAT II Bio and 720 SAT II MATH 2. I am applying as a chemical engineer major. I triple-checked my applications and nothing seemed to be wrong. I know people with wayyyyy lower stats than I have and don't understand how the admission system even functions.</p>

<p>Were the other six reaches? What were they? If most were matches, then that’s unfortunate, but maybe CSULB will turn out to be the best place for you.</p>

<p>That’s unfortunate. I know you’re upset, but don’t blame others/get upset that other people got in over you. </p>

<p>But your test scores are low.</p>

<p>the UC system this year has been very unkind to me too, as well as many other students at my school. I applied with work experience and four years of track and cross country as a varsity captain, 3.9 GPA, 6 APs with all 5s and 4s, and 2070 SAT, and got rejected from UCD UCI Cal UCLA and UCSD. Admittedly, my ECs were weak, but being rejected by every campus took me off guard.</p>

<p>Many people got into UCI and UCD that were much poorer applicants than me, so there’s a definite luck to admissions. I still got into Calpoly SLO, but I’m going to community to transfer because I’ve dreamt of going to UCD since middle school, and I know I have worked for twelve years to deserve to go to that school. I figure that one more year won’t kill me!</p>

<p>Cal Poly SLO is a good school for engineering, business, and architecture. Why not go there if you intend to major in one of these areas?</p>

<p>I intend to major in comp sci, and I’m aware that SLO is just as good if not better academically than Davis at that major. But I’ve dreamt of going to UCD since forever. All through middle school and all through high school I worked to go to UCD. For one reason or another I fell in love with the place and the people since I live an hour away from the campus. When I got rejected from UCB and UCLA, I was like whatever. But when I got rejected from UCD I was in tears for the first time in my life, at least other than over family, friends, and the ending of Titanic. I feel that if I go to Calpoly it will be compromising on my dream of going to UCD, and I wouldn’t be able to live with that decision.</p>

<p>The college admissions process is extremely arbitrary, unfortunately.</p>

<p>I hope all of you guys will be successful wherever you go. :)</p>

<p>I applied to SLO, UCD, UCSB, UCI, UCSD, and UCLA. The two schools I wanted to attend were SLO and UCSB, but I was rejected off the waitlist for both. I think I am just going to CSULB.</p>

<p>Is your 3.98 gpa weighted or unweighted? Sorry that the admissions process did not work out better for you.</p>

<p>This might not be helpful but i would like to add that ec‘s matter only at top colleges. it‘s pretty much gpa + sat at most state schools. what‘s done is done, so i hope you enjoy your time at your college this fall.</p>

<p>thats really weird. did you have a good essay? i know they will read your essay to see if you are one of their desired applicants</p>



<p>This probably has more to do with it than anything. But you’re certainly not the only one who didn’t get the admissions results they were hoping for, and your school is likely full of bright kids who likewise didn’t fare as well as they would have hoped. That sort of “trickle-down effect” is one bright side to more competitive admissions.</p>

<p>the college system IS majorly screwed. along with the rest of the American education system :/</p>

<p>Instead of blaming the system, why don’t you blame the fact that your test scores are ****ty? You should have retaken. Have fun at CSULB whatever the hell that is</p>

<p>^the SAT score was low, but, either way, the system IS screwed up.</p>

<p>@ kp217 CSULB is actually a great school with a great engineering program, and I’m not being a buttface because I’m going there. I have taken all my test scores at least twice or three times, and I don’t think that’s s***ty if I tried my hardest. Not everyone that goes to a UC has a perfect resume and I’m not going to live my life for some number on a standardized test that will judge how well I will do in college -____-</p>

<p>Sorry I realize I sounded like a jerk, didn’t mean to. Yeah enjoy it and aim for a better grad school </p>

<p>Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using CC App</p>

<p>Probably your extremely low SAT disqualified you.</p>