Is it okay to have B's in high school sophomore year?

Hello, I am a sophomore in all honors except for english, however in my honors classes I have B’s is that okay? Will I still be able to get into university of miami?

It will diminish your chances of admission and if you continue to get B’s junior year it will greatly diminish your chances of admission.

Come on Bs for Yale a problem, U Miami not a huge priblem

Focus on getting at least A’s and B’s with a rigorous schedule for the rest of high school, and also make sure to prepare well for standardized testing. An ACT score around 30/SAT 1330 and those grades will give you a solid chance. Aim for higher though! Nothing is guaranteed in this process.

Do not discount the importance of extracurriculars as well - it’s definitely not too late for you to show some passion through your out-of-school activities if you have not already. This could be a deciding factor, so make sure to get/stay involved in something that you love.

They were Honors classes so they will know they were more rigorous. Just like A “B” grade in an AP class is worth “A” work. Junior year grades are more important than 10th so work on those.

Is your school a reputable college prep? Colleges consider that too and will give more leeway if they know it’s already rigorous. They review the school profile with the application.

We are in a college prep district, and trust me, "B"s won’t kill chances. There are still kids going to Ivy’s with one or two B’s on the transcript. My daughter just graduated from high school so we experienced college apps and I think more than ever, colleges are doing holistic admissions (considering more than just the data) and they want interesting students. Public schools have too many apps so they are more likely to look at data, while private schools have time to look at all aspects of the application and they don’t want just studying robots.

As far as “rigorous schedule”, you don’t need a ton of AP classes. People can get into Ivy’s with 4 APs (from our college prep school); it’s a myth that you have to go all out with AP classes if your high school is already rigorous. Because if you are taking too many, then the grades can tank, which is worse. Take APs that will relate to your major, not an AP just for the sake of an AP. Colleges want to see a theme in your application. My daughter is art/design so there was no need for her to take a science AP class. She took AP Art History, AP language.

Also, start buddying up to Junior year teachers so you can get awesome letters of rec, which reflect your personality amongst the rest of the data. My daughter had some stellar letters of rec and one private school even noted that the letters impressed them. See the teachers after school, ask questions so they know who you are and can write about you instead of merely knowing your name and academic grade.

As far as standardized testing, grades are more important, this coming from the head of Common Apps. They don’t just want smart people—they want to see that they work too and won’t flunk. But you still want your standardized test score to be reasonable and within their range (but lower end is fine).

In addition, be sure to start your college essays the summer prior to senior year. It’s too difficult to do senior year AND the essays—at least have rough drafts. I cannot stress enough the importance of this. Best wishes.