Is it possible to have multiple version of a LOR

my kid wants the schools she applies to receive a school specific letter from a recommender she worked in the past summer. Is it possible to do this in Common App? Now what we see in the CA is every school in my daughter’s list will go and pick the unique LOR after the recommender completes uploading.

As the Stones said, you can’t always get what you want. Did the recommender even offer?

No. It’s one-and-done.

You can’t do that through the common app but you may be able to send the LOR directly to the school.

Make sure your D is following the instructions- recommendations from teachers who have taught her in core academic subjects.

Letters from a former boss, friend of the family, someone who supervised her for a few months are never as helpful as people think they are.

Schools have different instructions on who they want LORs from as well as how they want to receive them. In Common App, there is not an option for multiple versions of LOR from the same recommender. It gets uploaded and retrieved by colleges.

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