So I’m currently a student attending OU, and am currently a senior that will be graduating in the Fall of 2021. While the first two years here were great, the last one and the current semester have been less than stellar.
To make a long story short, I got kicked out of my fraternity, had a slew of problems with alcohol and substance abuse, and failed a few classes as a result. While I fixed the academic problem and am on a great track to graduating, my social life is still ruined and in disrepair. I only ever had friends within the greek community, so after being booted out of it I became quite the loner. On top of that with 2020 being centered so much around social distancing, I have little to no chance of developing any relationships on campus, as all of my classes are online and I live alone.
With this in mind I recently thought about the notion of transferring to a TX college, particularly UNT. I have friends there, a group of friends that (myself included) have stuck together and kept up for nearly a decade now, as well as a closer proximity to family. despite having 100 hours completed at OU, my college credit would transfer with relative ease, and the degree path would be very similar if not identical to my current one here at OU.
The thing is, I’m a very indecisive person, and I have my reasons for wanting to transfer and wanting to stay. Part of me wants to remain at OU because I only have two semester left here, and have a lot of school spirit for the place and the good times it’s given me in the past. I love the university itself, but no longer have anybody in the university that I really care for, and none that care for me. And I know that I simply won’t have the same spirit for the school I transfer to in any capacity, if any at all. I also like the degree I’d be earning at OU more than that which I’d be taking at UNT. At OU I’m working towards HR, whereas at UNT it’d be a Bachelor of Applied Arts & Sciences, with a specialty in HR but still slightly different.
That being said, I have a lot of compelling reasons that tell me transferring is indeed a good idea. I believe I’ll get in state tuition rather than out of state, and where OU is costing me 32,000$ to attend, at UNT I’d only be paying around 10,000$. I also know that in the grand scheme of that one year left in college, I’d have a much happier time at UNT, as I’d have friends and people who care about me there, and would actually have something fun to do with my friday nights. I’d be closer to home, friends, and even a girl I like (though I know I shouldn’t put much stake in that).
My point is with just a year left in college I don’t know if such a drastic change is even necessary or warranted, as all these social problems I have will disappear following graduation when I move back to TX anyway for a job. What do you think? I just don’t know what to do.