<p>I just found out yesterday that my AMC 12 score from last year (2008) was an 82.5. I think the score needed to qualify for the AIME was a 97.5 (can anyone verify this?). Would it be worth sending this information in right now? Would it just be a waste of time? Also, I have no official document stating my score. </p>
<p>it’d be a waste of time because mit wont take anything supplementary at this point; they have already started the decision proccess.</p>
<p>MIT has not started the decision process yet, and will not until approximately early December.</p>
<p>If you would like to send in your AMC score, you may. I would strongly assume that supplemental material will be accepted up until the point that all the mail is sorted and application reading begins in earnest.</p>
<p>how would I send it though? I don’t have an official document with my score printed on it…I just found out the score by asking my school’s math coordinator.</p>
<p>and is an 82.5 anywhere near competitive? lol or is it just terrible and not worth sending?</p>
<p>You could just send a letter telling MIT that you now know your score, and it’s an 82.5. I don’t know enough about AMC scores to know whether it would be useful or not.</p>
<p>technically not, most people who get into mit have 100+ scores, and the 97.5 was lowered to include more people, I believethe top 5%. Around your range, it would be more of the top 40-50%, so not necessarily impressive</p>