Is it too late?

<p>I'm a sophomore, and I just started "getting into" extracurriculars. Freshman year, I did nothing except for debate, mock trial, and programming club; we didn't even go to any competitions except for a few insignificant debate ones and one mock trial one. This year, though, I've been to a "major" tournament in my state and plan to attend more in debate; I've started preparations for mock trial, as well. I've also joined Model UN and am doing research, but I won't be able to "throw" myself into EC's until I get my SAT II Math done (next month). By then, would it be too late to start on my EC's? I also have to prep for AP Calc BC and AP Bio as well as SAT II Chem, so some EC's may take a back burner.</p>

<p>I’m interested to know what use you have planned for the answers you get to this question…if people tell you it’s too late for you to get into ECs, are you going to quit the ones you’re doing or something?</p>

<p>Of course it isn’t too late. Some colleges don’t even care about freshman-year grades, and grades are almost always more important than ECs. Your freshman-year ECs look fine anyway…</p>

<p>Figure out exactly which extracurriculars you enjoy the most. Then stick with those. It is definitely not too late to “start” on ECs. I think it’s fine to be just getting into extracurriculars in sophomore year – after all, a freshman isn’t typically going to know of all the opportunities at their school – although kudos to anyone who knows everything about their school the moment they step onto campus.</p>

<p>Nope, definitely not too late. I’m in the same boat you are for freshman year- last year we were just getting the quiz bowl team together, and there were only two casual games with a school in the same city. This year I’ve joined more, and they’re far more scattered activities than yours. As long as you start getting more involved soon you’ll be fine.</p>