<p>I'm feeling very discouraged about my college education so far, to be honest. Back out of high school, I applied to a number of universities, and chose to go to the cheapest one (full ride scholarship). Two years later, I have a 4.0 GPA, but I'm not happy with school. At all.</p>
<p>Part of my wanted to transfer, so I put in a transfer application to another big public school in my state (U of MD), and I just got a letter saying that I was accepted. Here's the problem, though: I'm not sure that I'm doing myself any good by transferring.</p>
<p>I'm bored where I am, and to be honest feel a bit of a disconnect from the campus. I've lived at home for these two years, so have had very little fun, and basically no memories of my first two years of school. I thought that by transferring, maybe I could try to live on campus somewhere. Maybe I could have some fun. Maybe I could go to a school with a more prestigious name. It feels like I'm ****ing my college years away, and I don't like it.</p>
<p>Unfortunately, I never knew how difficult the transfer process was. In high school, I was under the impression that I could "...transfer anywhere if you don't like where you go." Housing issues, credit acceptance issues, lack of scholarship availability (compared to freshman), and the generally abysmal acceptance rates seem to make this difficult.</p>
<p>After 2 years of college, is it too late to make a new go of it, considering that I've basically already missed the "incoming junior" part of the cycle? It seems silly to go from one university that I feel nothing for to another about which I feel equally apathetic. Maybe with my GPA I could make a go of one of the better schools, but the costs look to be prohibitive.</p>