Is it too late?

<p>Based on my stats should I not even bother to send my UPitt application..</p>

<p>SAT: 1840 (CR 560, M 630 W 650) I'll be retaking December with the goal of 1950+
SAT II: US History 530 i don't think i'll send this..
GPA: 3.75
Rank: top 10% (393 students)
AP course load: 2 last year, 3 this year
Location: Washington state
EC: Varsity tennis for three years, typical volunteer work (+150 hours), Key Club, Honor Society, Global Affairs Club, and few leadership positions that are mostly church-related
Intended major: Biology or neuroscience
Recs: good (math teacher)
Essay: Teachers/admission officers who have read my essay have complimented that I write well and that there wasn't much to fix.</p>

<p>Many applicants have already been selected, so I'm thinking I don't stand a chance?</p>

<p>I think you should go for it. Your stats are good and its not really that late. What’s to lose?</p>

<p>Your class rigor and scores could be better but you definitely have a shot. Why not apply?</p>

10 char</p>

10 char</p>

<p>Apply like today I finished mine in 10 minutes. You still have a shot</p>

<p>Apply!! You will never know if you don’t try and I think your scores/stats are not bad at all!</p>