Is there a place for me or is it too late?

<p>-Applying as an out-of-state
-No SATIIs as of now, but will be taking them next month: Lit and MathII (I predict both to be in the 600s. I'd be surprised to see it go over 700)
-Don't know if I'll be submitting letter of recs. If I do maybe just one?
-Will be writing all optional essays
-Will apply for financial aid</p>

<p>GPA: 3.75 (UW) of course that's w/o senior grades
Class rank: top 10%
APs: Lit (2), Language, US (2), Physics, Bio, English Language
SAT: I took the last one in June and got 1530. But during the summer I studied and improved a lot. So i'll get a score in the range of 1800-2000. I am sure I'll get at least 1800.</p>

-Volunteer @ art museum from July 2009-present (2 hrs each Saturady)
-Volunteer @ elementary school (max 50hrs)
-Piano accompaniment for Sunday services (max. 20 hrs)
-Varsity Tennis for last 3 years (Most Improved Award/Letterman)
-World Affairs Club 2 years (Senior board-coordinate main event according to appropriate theme of the month e.g. poverty)
-National Honor Socitey 4 years - more community service
-Key Club for first 3 years- more community service
-Church Youth Group 4 years (President, VP, and secretary)</p>

<p>What are the stats for an average student accepted to U Pitt??</p>

<p>please only chance me for the pittsburgh campus. thank you</p>

<p>I think it would depend on your new SAT scores. If they’re 1800 or above, you have a shot.</p>

<p>If they’re above 1800…you’re most likely in.</p>

<p>Thanks to motion and Lurk, but I’d like to hear more opinions

<p>This chart is intended to give you a general idea of your admissibility to the University of Pittsburgh. The ranges represent the middle 50 percent of students offered admission for fall 2009.
Middle 50% Admitted SAT Range Math: 600-710
Critical Reading: 580-700
Writing: 580-680
Top 10% Rank in High School 56% </p>

<p>Source: [University</a> of Pittsburgh: Undergraduate Admissions & Financial Aid](<a href=“]University”>Office of Admissions and Financial Aid | University of Pittsburgh)</p>

<p>I think you have a fair chance of getting in, but it’s better if you apply early. Unless they’ve changed their policies, Pitt doesn’t consider your SAT II scores (or your SAT I writing score) so don’t wait for those tests to apply. I would submit your application around the time your new SAT scores are due to be reported to the colleges. Also, a good reference would probably be helpful.</p>

<p>Your current scores are not good enough for a guarantee but you do have a chance. I suggest you try your luck with the ACT . Then after you get a chance to compare scores pick the ACT or SAT and send your score to Pitt. </p>

<p>Comparison chart</p>

<p>[SAT-ACT</a> Conversion chart](<a href=“]SAT-ACT”></p>