Is it true honors applicants find out in February?

<p>I was searching the website and found this link. Does anyone know if his is true?</p>

<p>January</a> Hokie News | Undergraduate Admissions | Virginia Tech</p>

<p>from - [Admissions</a> to Honors | University Honors | Virginia Tech](<a href=“]Admissions”></p>

<p>Admissions for high school seniors:</p>

<p>Once you apply to Virginia Tech, University Honors will contact qualifying students and offer the opportunity to apply. High school grade point average and test scores are only used to qualify students to apply to Honors. The application requires the application form, a curriculum vita, a personal statement, and a letter of reference (see Reference form in panel to right).</p>

<p>Entering freshmen are invited to apply to University Honors if they have a cumulative GPA of 3.70 (as reported on their high school transcript) and a minimum SAT score of 1350 (critical reading and mathematics) or a minimum ACT composite score of 30.</p>

<p>Acceptance letters from University Honors will be mailed out in early April.</p>

<p>but which one is right?</p>

<p>Two years ago, my honors-eligible daughter received her letter of admission (to VT itself, the honors program admissions came later) on February 22nd. If you look at earlier postings on VT, late in February seems to be the norm for notifying the honors-eligible applicants of admissions decisions.</p>

<p>The link indicating the 2/18 notification date was from January 2009 Hokie News</p>

<p>As you are no doubt already aware, the single-notification date at Virginia Tech for regular decision freshman admission has traditionally been April 1. Again this year, most applicants will be notified in a mailing sent in time to arrive on April 1.</p>

<p>***Early notification of admissions offers will be mailed February 18 to those students who are admissible and statistically eligible to apply to University Honors and whose applications were completed and evaluated prior to this date. </p>

<p>If you are not one of the honors-eligible applicants to find out your decision in the early mailing, your application is still under review by the Admissions Committee and you will have your decision by April 1. The early notification offers represent only about 20 percent of total offers of admission that will be made this year.***</p>

<p>The way I read this is that IF you completed the Honors application AND got everything in to the committee early then you MIGHT get an early notification of admission. (Clear as mud - right?)</p>

<p>I know that our son’s last day to turn in his Honors application was today…something tells me that he is not going to be among the 20%…</p>

<p>The link indicating the 2/18 notification date was from 2009</p>

<p>Good Eye Jeffnjme!</p>

<p>Does Virginia Tech post your application status online on the application status page, or do you need to wait for the letter in the mail?</p>

<p>I applied to Tech, was invited to join the Honors Program, and sent in my application today (today was the deadline for applying for scholarships and housing on my invitation letter). So, does that mean that I stand a chance of hearing tomorrow? And if so, can I find out online?</p>

<p>The link indicating the 2/18 notification date was from 2009</p>

<p>Acceptance letters from University Honors will be mailed out in early April.</p>

<p>(all of the above information was found in the posts above)</p>

<p>As far as the online notification - I have no clue…</p>

<p>I just received my online acceptance. I am very interested in Tech, but I worry that it’s too big for me. I think the honors residential program would be perfect, since it’s described as a small college environment within a large university. Assuming I make honors, when would I find out whether I will be able to live in honors housing (i.e. would I find out before the enrollment deadline)?</p>

<p>LLemon -you just recieved your online acceptance to the college or the honors program? </p>

<p>Also, when did you apply for both? - Just trying to figure out the timing…</p>

<p>CACOVA, I found out online yesterday that I have been offered admission to the university (I didn’t get a notification email or letter yet). I submitted my application January 15. I was invited to apply for honors earlier this month, and I submitted my application for honors on 2/17. I haven’t heard anything about my honors application yet. I understand applying for honors housing is a separate process - those admiitted to honors don’t automatically get into the residential program - so I am wondering when I would find out about the housing part.</p>

<p>Hmmm I got my acceptance email from University Honors today, but it said I have to go down to Tech on certain dates for an interview for a chance at a scholarship and housing.</p>