Is it worth it to change my degree?

<p>Hi everyone! I'm currently a freshman pursuing a business major, preferably in accounting. However, over the last couple of months since applying for college, I've realized I have a great interest in politics. I am really considering switching to a political science major, and doing a business minor. I also, however, plan to pursue a law degree later on, so my bachelor's degree (aside from preparing me for law school) won't matter too heavily. Is it a good idea to switch to political science major and take a business minor and be more prepared for law school, or is it a better idea instead do a political science minor and keep the business major so I have something else to fall back on? Thank you!</p>

<p>I don’t think you can have a business minor at Texas A&M. In any case, I think it is better to have a business major and a minor in PS.</p>

<p>If you’re a freshman then now would be the time to change your major. If you wait to change it, you will take business credits that won’t apply to your poli sci degree and you’ll spend more time in college. I would stay in business and do a poli sci minor. You can do a business minor at TAMU, as I am currently doing just that.</p>

<p>king - you can absolutely have a Business Minor at A&M. See below:
[Undergraduate</a> Minor in Business | Mays Business School | Texas A&M University](<a href=“Business Minor | Mays Business School”>Business Minor | Mays Business School)</p>

<p>Thank you for the replies everyone! My only question is, which seems better for me? I want to do politics or policy law after I get my degree, and I don’t know if staying in business is the best option for me right now. Is it better to stay here to have something to fall back on or is it not worth my time?</p>