Is it worth it?

<p>So I'm a Junior right now and school year is almost over so time to start freaking out for senior year.... </p>

<p>The first time I took the SAT in March I got a 1760:
560R 610M 590W(curve sucked) 8-essay 60MC subscore</p>

<p>So I took it again and got my scores back for MAY...1850
570R 610M 670W 9-essay 65 MC subscore....</p>

<p>So i was wondering if it would be worth it for me to take it again as a senior as I would be aiming to get somewhere around 1900 or so. Do you think that the extra 50 points will matter if I'm looking to apply to schools such as Northeastern, Boston U , American, UMD, and Lehigh would be my reach school and absolute dream...</p>

<p>( 3.5 weighted GPA and will have 3 AP's by the end of senior year)</p>


<p>unless you really think you can improve by at least 100 points, your time could be spent better elsewhere</p>