Is it worth it?

<p>I hear that UCLA is suffering from overcrowding. Does this deteriorate the academic quality in any way? I am an out of state students so I'll be paying about the same in both schools. Should I spend that much money in a public school? Try to put yourself in an out of stater's shoes.</p>

<p>I'm basically debating btwn UCLA and USC. I prefer UCLA but parents prefer USC (they are alums). I have until Tues to decide! What should I do??</p>

<p>UCLA had over 50,000 applicants--and you were selected!!! It is much harder to get into UCLA than USC from a vantage point of academics. USC and UCLA both have beautiful campuses-but USC is private. You will have more "hand-holding" at USC than UCLA, as a result. As a parent, I had wanted my child to select USC over UCLA for that reason-but my child chose UCLA--felt students were more interesting, classes more invigorating.</p>

<p>people at UCLA are smarter. by far</p>

<p>Smart doesn't equal success ;). Go with what you like better, base it on the campus and people, for's easy, UCLA has a nicer campus in a better area of the city. If your parents are both alumni of USC it'd be pretty hard to choose UCLA over USC.</p>

<p>i'd say go to usc.</p>

<p>if you want something less challenging and more social, go to usc. if you don't mind working for a living, ucla.</p>

<p>at ucla, you have to seek everything out. but everything is WORTH seeking out.
a private school will give you more individualized attention, perhaps, and if you need that, go to USC because you're not gonna find any hand-holding here.
personally, i think UCLA will help you more to grow up and become self-sufficient, because you have to be your own advocate. you have to know what you're trying to get out of your education here.
at USC, you're in a more comfortable bubble with a VERY prevalent network of support.
since the price will be about the same, it all depends on your personality type and how you want to approach college, because the two schools are very different. good luck in your choice!!!</p>

<p>Think about your housing for four years. After the first two you may want to live off campus. Westwood is going to offer some closer alternatives. If you don't mind commuting USC still works.</p>

<p>go where you will be happiest. you will be paying around the same price for both schools anyways, so might as well spend the money wisely. Also, keep in mind that while UCLA is much larger than USC, USC is still fairly large.</p>

<p>ALSO, the size of the campus shouldn't be a concern for you. that doesn't usually get in the way of a good education. Trust me, your education will not be diluted at UCLA compared to USC....TRUST ME!!!!</p>

<p>If money is not a problem, then I'd recommend USC.</p>

<p>oh yeah and another reason why my parents want me to go to usc is that there are more affluent students there. they want me to mingle with the rich kids. please comment on their remark.</p>

<p>are affluent students at ucla noticeable? compare/contrast the student body of the 2 schools.</p>

<p>i don't even know how the address that. usc has plenty of students on scholarship and financial aid, as well as not-so-affluent international students..."mingle with the rich kids"- there's plenty of those at ucla too, but isn't college about expanding your mind and experiences rather than "more of the same"?</p>

<p>mingle with smart students....more interesting.</p>

<p>If you want the network after college to land jobs that could make you rich, mingle with the rich kids at USC and go that route, it's pretty successful :). Public vs. Private, it will always be that way. If your parents are alums, it'd be a shame for you not to attend as well, although that is my opinion, the decision is yours.</p>


<p>ru a stu at ucla? just out of curiosity, what makes u say usc if money isn't a problem? (it's not a problem) ;)</p>

<p>your parents being alums of USC, i dont think, should get in your way of choosing UCLA
go where you would like to go, not your parents</p>

<p>i have to say the bruin network is strong too, maybe not quite as much, but if you look for it, its more than there. not everyone at usc is rich, although considerably richer than here.</p>