<p>Is it worth self studying for the AP Bio Exam and AP Environmental Science Exam? Do you think it would require TOO much studying time? (how many hours per night/week and how far in advance do you suggest beginning?) </p>
<p>The reason I am determined to self study for two exams is because I foolishly only took 1 AP class this year (everything else is honors and are leading up to about 5 AP's next year) and I wanted to be able to put the AP Scholar award on my app next year when I am applying for colleges (3 passed AP tests). I plan on applying to competitive schools next year. I took honors bio last year so that's why if I did take extra AP Exams they would be in bio and environmental. Any thoughts? Thanks.</p>
<p>No, what looks bad is not taking the post challenging courses possible throughout HS. Most with serious awards don’t have space to list AP Scholar.</p>
<p>i dont think its really fair though considering in 6th grade you could go into accelerated science (i was recommended but didn’t do it because i “didn’t like” science as much as my other classes) and then i could not join the most rigorous course track in science (in 10th grade i went into honors bio- it was the earliest opportunity to do honors if you didn’t in middle school) so i feel like i am disadvantaged because of a mistake i made in MIDDLE SCHOOL and it will ruin my app… =/ lol</p>
<p>If you’ve already taken OR will have the opportunity to take another AP science IN school, don’t take both of them; just take one.
I think it’d be worth it if you either desperately wanted to give yourself a boost or if you’re potentially interested in the field (and wouldn’t have the time/resources to take it in HS).</p>
<p>Ask your GC if s/he is going to be able to check “most rigorous” on the Common App. If not, find out if self-studying for APs would affect that. (I doubt it. Not to mention the fact that if you put a lot of energy into it and get a 3, what’s the point?)</p>
<p>Otherwise, just take an AP science or two next year, and put your energy into getting As and into your ECs and volunteer work. You might also consider studying for and taking the bio or chem SATII. (I’m assuming you’ve taken chem?)</p>
<p>DO NOT DO AP BIO. apes is a relatively easy ap anyway, so if your committed enough you should do fine. but AP bio is a beast. Im taking the class and even still im considering not taking the test…</p>
<p>man dont do AP bio, do anything else stay with that APES, you do not want to do AP Bio even if it will get you the scholar award. STAY AWAY FROM THAT CLASS AND THAT TEST</p>