Hello everyone! So I’m debating getting a post baccalaureate degree in landscape architecture. It would take 3 years to complete. My undergrad is in exercise science in hopes of becoming an occupational therapist. I realized that the medical field really isn’t for me so I want to go down a different path - and actually do something that I enjoy doing. The job seems incredible and only seems fitting for me to do. I’m super passionate about design and am a big environmentalist. I would love to blend both my passions together to do something that is not only aesthetically pleasing, but will help the environment simultaneously. Seeing people react to the art that I create is truly the best feeling ever, so I just feel like I need to design something for a living. I really don’t want to waste this amazing talent that I was given! I’m just upset I didn’t do it from the start.
My main issue is money though. I just don’t know how I’d be able to get through 3 more years of schooling, especially going through an intense architecture program. Also, what if my car breaks down? I’d be screwed. I already talked to my dad about this and he thinks that I’m insane for even thinking about this. So I know I wouldn’t get much financial help from them. I know I could get some financial help from the school I want to go to though. So that’s comforting at least. I’ve already met with the program director and I know he is super helpful and really wants to get students into the program! He’s contacted me a few times after we met just to see where I was in the application process.
I would love to do this I just don’t know if it’d be possible to complete… There’s no way I’m staying at my dads house for the duration of this program. That’s way too long. Should I hold off on this? I know it’s a risky endeavor, but I believe it would be extremely fulfilling in the end. What does everyone else think?
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Listen, I am transferring into LA this fall. During my AA I switched my major like 3 times between env sci, nutrition, and env eng. I just assumed LA was mowing lawns or something. When I actually took the time to research LA I was SOLD. I can’t see myself doing anything else for the next 40 + years. So with that being said, if you feel confident in your heart that LA is for you then DO IT. Even if u have to take out small loans do it. What’s 3 years of extra schooling and a small sum of debt to 40 + years of your happiness and sanity. :)))))))))) LA is such a diverse field which has a huge impact on a broad array of people, places, and things. You got this!!! It is worth it.
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@Tacos4ever - I completely messed up my undergraduate studies. At age 30, I decided it was time to get my act together. I practiced hard and got a great score on the LSAT. I was admitted to a tier-4 law school and graduated in two years at the top of my class. I got a good legal job, but was still not satisfied with my skill set or that I had competed against the best. Based now on my law-school grades and an excellent GMAT, I was admitted into a top MBA program. I worked full time while getting my MBA and graduated with honors near the top of my class. I leveraged that into a job with one of the top law firms in the country. I actually hated just about every minute there, but with this on my resume, I got a great Associate General Counsel position with a large corporation. I have been out on my own for the last 11 years. I set my own hours and keep almost everything I bill (very low overhead.) It all worked out well for me.
Today, I can hardly remember my self doubt and poor self confidence. I busted my butt for six years but it was all worth it. In contrast, my mother was in a hurry and got her registered nurse position without completing her bachelors degree. (I don’t know if this is still possible.) She was only a few credits short. For thirty years she regretted to me that she had not finished her degree. I kept telling her that it’s never too late, but she was too afraid to compete with younger students. (She would have kicked their behinds!) She took her regrets to her grave.
Anyway, if LA is what you really want to do, listen to @dobbleyouteeeff and go for it. The alternative is a lifetime of regrets.
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Thank you for the response! I’m happy to hear that your going into LA as well. I believe you’re totally right. It’s just going to be insanely hard trying to juggle school, work and living haha. I hope I’ll be able to make it out alive. It’ll totally be worth it in the end. I myself just can’t stomach working at a job for the rest of my life that I’m not satisfied with. After all, work takes up the majority of our lives! Good luck to you!
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Wow! You seem like an incredibly hard worker. I’m glad all your work has paid off for you. Seriously an inspiration!
How did you get through all this schooling though? Financially speaking… I’m sure you couldn’t work that much during law school.
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@Tacos4ever - It’s funny; I still think of myself as a slacker. Financially it was easier 30 years ago. Compared to the cost of living, universities were far cheaper than today. For law school, I had some savings and some money from selling a house and downsizing. I worked part time and got some student loans, which I was able to pay off pretty quickly. For Michigan business school, I was working full time and had in-state tuition. For second-year classes, I had some tuition assistance from my employer.
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I’ll be working and living at my dads house this entire year so I’ll at least have a year of savings built up. After that runs out idk what I would do. I could serve part time of course, but that will only get me so far. I don’t really want to take out loans just for living expenses… I mean I already have a decent amount of undergraduate loans built up (~30k) on top of what I’ll have to pay for grad school tuition (I’m hoping I get a decent scholarship for it though, I have a good feeling I could)… I just don’t want to be buried in debt by the time I finish. Is this a valid concern or am I over thinking this?
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Debt should always be a concern. A Harvard law school grad can owe over $300,000. From Harvard, a high-paying job should not be a problem. But many lower-tier law schools cost as much to attend as Harvard. And attorney jobs are not plentiful for these graduates.
@Tacos4ever Thanks & good luck to you. We have a journey ahead of us that will be worth every tear haha. 
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