Is Lehigh Losing It's Edge?

<p>Bloomberg's BusinessWeek recently posted its 2013 Undergraduate Business Rankings and Lehigh is at 35 while last year it was at 31. </p>

<p>I'm not sure if BusinessWeek is an unreliable source because last year Ohio State was ranked 68 and this year its ranked 34.</p>

<p>Not only are ranks not particularly useful, but Lehigh lost four spots. That’s essentially irrelevant.</p>

<p>Even if Lehigh ranked 100 for its business program, I would still go to Lehigh. Disregarding ranks, I know Lehigh’s business program prepares its students well and helps them get great jobs and get into great graduate programs, but I was just surprised to see how it used to 17th in 2007 and now its 35.</p>

<p>why do I have a feeling that Lehigh is losing quite a bit every year? I dont meant that the school’s quality is going down, but it is really not ranked as high as it was. Is it my illusion?</p>

<p>Simple answer: no. </p>

<p>Rankings are arbitrary, pointless, and have virtually nonexistent reliability and validity. Lehigh’s ranking can be going down because some of the bigger UC schools or whatnot received large grants or because of some other relative reason. </p>

<p>These rankings are based on NOTHING that will directly affect your education. You can and should disregard them entirely. I can assure you that Lehigh isn’t loosing thier edge (just look and see how many students were denied or waitlisted this year alone).</p>



<p>Or because other schools learned how to game the system.</p>

<p>Speaking as the one who is paying, I have always been far more concerned with the ROI rankings. Lehigh is ranked 6th tied with MIT.</p>

<p>Mumof2boyz -</p>

<p>Great point! That’s a much more useful statistic. I believe the ROI is about 11-12x.</p>