<p>For premed, do I have to take LS1? Or can I just skip it, and take ls 2-4... and not even take LS 1?</p>
<p>you have to finish LS1to LS4 all 4 courses.
but can skip LS1 and take 2,34 but eventually you need LS1!</p>
<p>You need LS1 for premed, even if your major does not require it. I believe that is the case, I am not sure.</p>
<p>i thought the MCAT tested only 2,3,4...</p>
<p>thus making LS1 futile if your major DID NOT require it.</p>
<p>if you are a bio major, you need LS1</p>
<p>if you are a non-bio major (but also premed) you do not need LS1</p>
<p>med schools require one year of biology with lab. LS 2, 3, and 4 all have lab components and combined they make up one full academic year.</p>
<p>Yeah, I'm not a bio major (FOR NOW)! So.. guess I don't need to take it!!! yes!</p>
<p>Does anyone know if this is the same for pharmacy school?</p>
<p>UCLA</a> Career Center suggested LS 1-4 under "PREPARATION COURSEWORK" ...</p>
<p>med, dent, pharm all have same 1year gen.chem which is LS1 to LS 4!</p>
<p>... You mean 1 year Life Science?</p>
<p>1 year=3 quarters. LS 2, 3, and 4 = 1 year.</p>
<p>can u just take LS1,2,3=1year? not taking 4?</p>
<p>^theoretically you could. however, lately, medical schools are "highly recommending" courses in genetics and there is a decent amount of genetics on the MCAT. If you plan on skipping anything, it should be LS1.</p>
<p>as for skipping LS1, you should REALLY double check with the department as to which LS courses are designated as lab courses. The one year of biology lab slipped my mind earlier, but this is a requirement at many schools. If LS4's discussion section counts as a lab (i highly doubt this), then you should take it. LS 1-3 all have associated lab components, but im not too sure about LS4. If you do skip LS4 or 1 and need one more lab class to make a full year, I THINK (not 100% sure) that chem 153L can be counted as a bio lab.</p>
<p>another reason to take LS4: MANY medical schools highly recommend (some actually require) that you take some smattering of upper division biology courses (neuro, immuno, physio, etc.). Most upper div classes in the MCDB and MIMG department have LS4 as a prereq, so you would not be able to take these classes.</p>