Is My Chance Standing?

<p>The schools I'm applying to:</p>

<p>UNC-Chapel Hill
Appalachian State University
North Carolina State University

<p>GPA and Class Rank:</p>

<p>Weighted: 4.2
Unweighted: 3.7
Ranked 13/70 (It's a very competitive environment.)</p>

<p>My SATs: </p>

<p>Critical Reading: 730
Math: 610
Writing: 610
Composite: 1950</p>

<p>Extra-Curriculars: </p>

<p>Attended the Free Enterprise Leadership Challenge (FELC) sponsored by the Jesse Helms Foundation. </p>

<p>Elected President of Interact Club this year.</p>


<p>President's List Award at Surry Community College</p>

<p>Additional Info: </p>

<p>I attend an early college high school. There's fierce competition within the top quarter of our class; my weighted GPA is about .3 away from the #4 ranked student. I made that much gain in GPA just last semester. </p>

<p>I'm going to become more involved in a lot of extra-curricular activities, though my school only sponsors a few. For instance, I'm planning on putting in quite a few hours of community service at nursing homes this upcoming summer. </p>

<p>I've only taken the SAT once.</p>

<p>Also: </p>

<p>Feel free to mention my chances as they are influenced by Early Action and Early Decision. Any other advice and/or comments would be very appreciated.</p>

<p>Things I forgot to mention: </p>

<p>My school offers on AP courses.</p>

<p>My graduation year is 2011.</p>

<p>I hate to bump this and seem overeager…</p>