Is my high school schedule tough enough for...

<p>Is my high school schedule tough/hard enough for Stanford, UC Berkeley, or CalTech? And does it look good as in the sense of variety?</p>

<p>I will be an incoming sophomore this year, and those 3 schools are my dream schools. I plan to major in computer science. </p>

<p>(My school is on a block-schedule so it kinda makes it hard to fit everything in, I'm sure Stanford will understand this.)</p>

<p>Sophomore Year:
Spanish I
Spanish II
Honors British Literature
Biology (regular)
AP European History (only AP offered for sophomores)
Tech Staff<a href="only%20for%20ADVANCED%20students,%20once%20you%20get%20accepted%20into%20Tech%20Staff,%20you%20help%20the%20teachers%20for%201%20period%20in%20your%20schedule%20with%20computer/network%20problems%20around%20campus">/b</a>
**Advanced Web-Design

JV Basketball
JV Volleyball</p>

<p>*Summer before Junior year i will be taking *:1) A+ Computer Hardware Certification course at a community college. After the course I will take the A+ Exam and then be officially be A+ Certified (i hope this'll look good on the transcript later on)
2)Java programming class (this will prepare me for the SELF-STUDY of AP Computer Science A, because my school doesn't offer the class)</p>

<p>Junior Year:
Chemistry (regular)
Honors Algebra 2/Trigonemetry
AP US History
AP Language & Composition
Spanish III
Advanced Tech Staff*see sophomore schedule for Tech Staff
Advanced Web-Design
Tech Problem Solving (I will be the student teacher teaching this class to younger students)
Varsity Basketball
Varsity Volleyball</p>

<p>Summer before my senior year i will be taking Pre-Calculus at a community college</p>

<p>Senior Year
AP Calculus AB
AP Statistics
AP Biology
AP Art history
AP Literature
AP American Gov.
Advanced Web Design
Advanced Tech Staff
Varsity Basketball
Varsity Volleyball</p>

<p>CURRENT EC's: nothing but sophomore year I will be joining National honor society and California scholarship federation. I will also be doing many volunteer hours at a hospital.</p>

<p>I guess you'll have to answer this question: Am I making the most out of what is available to me?</p>

<p>...I think you have a pretty demanding schedule</p>

<p>regular bio and regular chem are bound to be looked down upon by at the very least Cal Tech</p>

<p>well my school only offers AP Bio and regular Bio, and AP Chem and regular Chem. That's why. If I got all A's in all of my classes listed above, then would I make it into stanford?</p>

<p>GPA is only part of the equasion, so getting all As will guarantee nothing. You'll also need high SATs and great ECs for Stanford and then a lot of luck as they take about 10% of applicants and most are qualified.</p>

<p>well I'm going to be a great influence on my school's Technology program, will this count? I really wanna make it to Stanford, and i'll do anything I can to get in. (school wise)</p>

<p>like the person above (waaay above) me said, are you taking the HARDEST course load available at your school? If so, than good. Don't shrink away from an AP or H class unless you are ABSOLUTELY certain that you can't handle it. Best of luck man.</p>

<p>a lot of it is luck. One thing I know for sure is that GPA and SATs aren't that important as long as you have reasonable number. (means if you had 1.5gpa and like 800 combined on the SAT u shouldn't apply)
two yrs ago a senior from our school had a 3.6 and 1320 SAT. that isn't top notch but his ECs were kick-ass and he got into stanford. I suggest that as long as you keep your grades in that shape and take the SAT fairly well, you'd be better off concentating on ur ECs that will distinguish u from other applicants. and the "..i'm going to be a great influence" - make sure that happens</p>

<p>what is your idea of top notch ECs?</p>