Is my schedule challenging enough for junior year?

Hi! I was just wondering if my schedule is challenging enough for junior year:
AP Chem
Honors Literature
Honors Spanish IV
AP European History
Honors Pre-Calc
Criminal Law/Civil Law (my school doesn’t offer an advanced/accelerated version of this class)
Gym (mandatory because of a newish law in my state)
Study Hall
I know 2 APs aren’t a lot, but my school doesn’t offer many (and the ones that are offered are the “honors version” of senior classes, so underclassmen can’t really take them).
Thanks! :slight_smile:

Colleges (in terms of course rigor) look at the amount of hard classes offered at your school and place you in the context of it. Your schedule definitely seems as though you are challenging yourself while fulfilling other less rigorous requirements (gym) so I would say your schedule is rigorous enough. Keep in mind it’s not a race for APs. But good luck in your junior year! I hope you do great (:

@history1000 Thanks! :slight_smile:
