Is my schedule for next year too much?

Although we are not allowed to drop/add classes for next year anymore, ik the guidance counselor well enough and she said if I wanted to change anything by tomorrow she would do it for me. Btw, keep in mind I play basketball all year round for school/aau and im definitely not giving that up. Oh and I’m a senior so I’ll be applying to colleges and essays and stuff.
Classes next year:
AP Psych
HN Holocaust
HN English
ADV Pre-Calc (In my school it’s AP, Honors, Adv, then CP)
CP Computer Science
HN Anatomy
Study Hall

A y suggestions on if I should change anything or if u know about a course and how rigorous it is it would be helpful

It is hard to say whether this is too much without knowing more about what you have taken and how you have done up to now.

Senior year you will have “research universities, apply to universities, visit universities,…” as essentially an extra class. As such, having a study hall is a very good plan. If you are a serious basketball player then I am guessing that Gym is also easy for you, again a very good plan allowing you to focus on your six academic courses.

In the absence of more information, to me this seems like a reasonable course load.

Up to this point I have never taken an AP and only 2 honors classes and 1 adv class the first three years, and had at least 3 CP

Have you taken Biology, Chemistry and Physics at some point? If not I would take one of those over Anatomy.
This definitely does not look like too much…just right for you.

I’d drop Honors anatomy for sure. Have you taken physics CP and foreign language up-to level 3?

Hahha never heard of an honors Holocaust class! It doesnt really look that difficult, but it’s up to you with what you struggle with. Anatomy is a harder class. I wouldn’t take it unless you want to be in the medical field. If you do it’s a great prep for college A/P 1&2, which is pretty difficult. If you’re doing it so you don’t have to take AP Bio, AP chem or physics, I wouldn’t do it. Take physics or one of the AP sciences.
