<p>Honors English II
Honors Biology I
AP Human Geography
Algebra 1
Music Appreciation
Spanish 1
Integrated Business Applications
Phys Ed 1</p>
<p>It’s good enough. Could you do Honors Algebra or honors Spanish?</p>
<p>We can do Honors Algebra 2 and Honors Algebra 3 and Honors Spanish 3 and Honors Spanish 4. Those classes are allowed in 10th and 11th Grade and 12th.</p>
<p>Oh ok. It’s fine. I would rate it 8/10. </p>
<p>It might be hard if you’re not used to a heavy course load. However many students, when I was a freshman (senior now), were able to handle such a schedule. Go with your gut! Good luck!!</p>
<p>Given what your school offers and would allow you to take, could it be any more difficult? If not, then it’s fine. If so, how?</p>
<p>It’s not hard but it’s a good schedule.</p>
<p>It seems fine for 9th. Probably similar difficulty to mine. But why only algebra 1? Have you already done geometry? Maybe you are just not aiming for a career in science or math because I and many people at my school did algebra 1 in 7th grade. Other than that it’s perfectly fine.</p>
<p>Like an above poster said, it really depends on your school’s course selection. However, many high schoolers have already finished Algebra 1 and Spanish 1 in middle school; most start with Algebra II or Geometry freshman year, some Precalc.</p>
<p>If you want a more rigorous schedule, try taking an honors/accelerated math or honors Spanish class, if they’re available. Are PE, Business, and Music Appreciation required? If not, then swap them out for some more Honors or AP if you didn’t elect to take them.</p>
<p>In 7th grade we were to take either Math 7th or Pre-Algebra. I decided not to take Pre- Algebra in 7th grade so I am taking it this year. If you are advanced in my school you could of took Algebra 1 in 8th grade. I only have 1 high school credit and it is Honors English 1. I have to take 1 year of P.E. and we are required to take at least 1 class for the fine arts. Business is required to graduate. I decided Mus App just because I do not do dance or drama and I hate art. I really wanted to do more honors and I may take some courses virtually next year too. I do not know yet. For the AP we are only allowed to take AP Human Geog. and we are open to more in the 10th grade. My school district is stupid. I am aiming for a Science and Math career. it is due to the lack of what grade you take each in. </p>
<p>Many people who are interested in Math majors have already taken AB, BC and Stats by the time they are done with 11th grade and then go into higher math courses in 12th, so I’d recommend that you try to do extra courses through elective spots / online if you’re looking to take that route.</p>
<p>Super easy</p>
<p>I will take that route after 9th grade. My sister has done many Online Courses and she loved them so I am going to see how they are. </p>