Is my SSAT score good enough for an NYC prep school?

<p>I'm applying for Poly Prep, I just got my score and it's a total of 90 percentile...yeah I screwed up the verbal, 75% percentile because I didn't study for it, AT ALL. I'm really hoping for a scholarship. My average at school is a 96.33.</p>

<p>I believe that score will be great for the Fielsdton school, Riverdale Country, Dalton and Horace man. My friend got 90s percentile on the ssat last year and was admitted to Dalton. Do you also consider Boarding School?</p>

<p>Your SSAT is great. Congratulations!</p>

<p>Although many of the NYC private schools accept the SSAT, all of them (I believe) prefer the ISEE. Because the ISEE does not provide an overall percentile like the SSAT, the shorthand way that people refer to the scores is by the stanines of the four scores (as in, for example, “I got a 9, two 8’s and a 7”). That 75% converts to a 6 stanine (some of the breakdowns are 9=96%+,8=89%-95%,7=77%-88%…). My understanding for the top tier schools is that they “like” to see nothing below a 7. But I’m not sure if Poly Prep, which although an excellent school is not part of the Manhattan rat race, is as tight as that. I’m guessing that your SSAT’s are good enough (that 75% just barely misses a 7) that you shouldn’t worry about them and assume you have a shot depending on the rest of your application.</p>

<p>Horace Mann and Dalton are more competitive schools to get into than Poly Prep (and Riverdale and Fieldston, too). In particular, Horace Mann often seems to focus on students they view as “bright”. I’m certainly not saying you would have no shot at those schools, but your scores might be viewed as being a bit subpar for them.</p>

<p>Thanks everyone, your comments are greatly appreciated. However, if I’m hoping for a scholarship at Poly, will my statistics qualify for one? I’m taking the SSATs one more time in January, and this time I’ll study for the verbal.</p>

<p>Good SSAT =D and why only Polly Prep? What about Horrace Man, Dalton, Trinity, and Collegiate? You should also have safeties unless you JUST want one school.
PS I live in NYC too =). Not applying to day schools though. I am applying to BS.</p>

<p>what about 1809 for prep school?</p>

<p>Sorry…late reply iamme16, I’m not sure…
what was your percentile? I think 85th percentile+ is good</p>