<p>Given NYU's pricetag, does anyone find that NYU tends to be populated by snobs and people who pay their way in rather than by people who worked hard to get there? </p>
<p>I understand its a large university, and there are snobs in every large university, but are there more than the norm at NYU? </p>
<p>I'm asking this as someone merely curious, not out to get the school or anything like that (its my top choice :))</p>
<p>I’m only a freshman here but I’ve seen a pretty good mix of different personalities, and across schools too. I’ve met many snobs from every kind of school - even the silver one, lol. But I’ve also met as many down to earth people from each school. It’s an expensive school so you will tend to see people who can afford more than the typical American. And it’s a good university so you are bound to see people who are holier than thou. But the school is so large that it’s almost unfair to generalize the university.</p>
<p>Ya know, I had the same worry that the students would be snobby and that it’d be hard to make friends. But at the end of the day, I’m going there for ME. I’m too concerned with being the best that I can be to worry if some punk doesn’t like me. Naturally, I wanna make friends but I’m not worried about it. The right people always seem to pop up at the right place and right time. :-)</p>
<p>I couldn’t really see it being snobby only because it’s students are so diverse. I mean not to mention were talking Soho here, it’s about a random as it gets.</p>
<p>Stereotyping any college can be hazardous. As noted above, NYU, like other schools, has the full range of personality types and attitudes. Regardless of where you go, you’ll find a group of friends who will meet your needs for socializing. Fear not.</p>
<p>there’s a ton of different types of people here. you can find snobs at any college, whether it’s NYU, Cornell, Oberlin, Smith, etc. </p>
<p>and i’ve never met someone who “paid their way to get in”. most people i meet work their butts off here. nonetheless, there are people here who are “from money” and people who are here on loans and financial aid. but it’s not like you go around asking people how much money their parents make or where they came from. </p>
<p>it IS Manhattan, and i’ve seen my share of people with iPhones/designer handbags/the newest BlackBerry/talking about the FABULOUS vacation their had in Vail. but it’s Manhattan. you can find that anywhere.</p>
<p>it’s not like television. we aren’t all like Blair & Co. on gossip girl. :P</p>