Is plastic surgery a weird topic for my personal statement?

So I wrote my Common App essay about getting Botox as a young teen. I don’t know I feel about sending my apps in yet though b/c I’m not sure how admissions officers will react to such an essay.

The essay itself is about my experiences with my attempts to change things I can’t change, the structure of my face being the main point of discussion. I conclude the essay with a short reflection on how I can’t change the circumstances around me, but how I can change my outlook, and how I’ve grown to realize I have to accept that I can’t change everything.
What do you think?

Definitely unique…though as someone who’s afraid of needles, I’d probably slam it down on the desk and nope my way right out of the room. :stuck_out_tongue: It’ll be memorable, for sure.

This is just my gut feeling, but unless you were severely disfigured prior to the surgery, I think the topic might be a bit problematic. Most people don’t have a particularly high opinion of plastic surgery or people who elect to undergo it for cosmetic reasons.

I think the premise of your argument about the importance of changing your outlook is sound, but I’d personally stay away from cosmetic surgery. JMHO

The Botox disclosure could make u seem like a shallow, neurotic person. And it could flag your parents as potentially troublesome helicopter parents who are willing to indulge any whim.

It depends on why you had it. If you had a disfiguring accident or medical condition, it could work. If not, then it seems shallow.

thank you all for your input!

In my essay I do make sure to address my disappointment in my concern with such a shallow issue in the part where I’m transitioning/reflecting

It doesn’t matter how much u reflect on it in your essay. For many people, cosmetic surgery = shallow. Botox for a young teen for cosmetic objectives seems especially shocking.

I would stay away from this as an essay topic the same way i would stay away from discussing mental illness, assault rifle collecting, and child porn.