Is plastic surgery a weird topic for my personal statement?

So I wrote my Common App essay about getting Botox as a young teen. I don’t know I feel about sending my apps in yet though b/c I’m not sure how admissions officers will react to such an essay.

The essay itself is about my experiences with my attempts to change things I can’t change, the structure of my face being the main point of discussion. I conclude the essay with a short reflection on how I can’t change the circumstances around me, but how I can change my outlook, and how I’ve grown to realize I have to accept that I can’t change everything.
What do you think?

I think it has to be done carefully, but could be done well.

I’m guessing that any doctor who did botox with a young teen did it to solve a problem, not out of vanity.

So that’s the issue I think you need to deal with: that there was some sort of an issue with your fact, it was effecting your outlook, and you attempted to solve the problem medically. But you realized that it was about more than medicine, it was up to you (not the doctor) to change that attitude.

I think it could be good.

You started another thread on this someplace else… and maybe don’t like the answers there?