College essay topic options

I’ve thought of a few things that are personal to me that I might be able to write about - can someone judge the effectiveness of the essay topic? Thanks

1 - Writing about my shame at having a crooked nose...seems kind of shallow, but I have a crooked nose and have been super self-conscious of it, especially in middle school and the start of high school. I used to try and cover my nose with my hand a lot. I've gotten through that phase by having some more self-esteem, and through meeting some great and supportive friends who I've been able to talk to this about, and now my different nose doesn't really bother me as much

2 - Writing about my interest in investing, especially real estate investing. Around 10th grade, I started reading tons of books and watching as many videos as I could about investing in real estate, and I became really interested. I began attending free real estate seminars in the area, and eventually invested in my first small real estate property this year, which I believe is a small success in a (hopefully) long journey.

3 - My interest in using/making items like a bow and arrow, which has led to my interest and hobby of hunting (I enjoy going out in the woods where it's quiet and peaceful, and I started making/craft things like a bow and arrow, and eventually starting hunting)

It is very important that, no matter which topic you pick, the end goal is that the reader knows more about you as a person. Thus, the focus of the story isn’t necessary to tell the event, but rather how you handled the event.

For example:

1 - You can use this story as a way to describe how you handle criticism. How it has changed you into the confident man you are today.

2 - Show your passion, and hard-working nature. How you handle failures, etc.

3 - Show your curiosity. How do you approach problem solving (with crafting etc). How a peaceful walk through the forest inspired you to start crafting bow and arrow.

@idkName Thanks so much for the advice! I think #3 would be really good for showing my creativity and curiosity as you said. I appreciate the help