Is possible for me to change my major to Pre-Med?

<p>I am a senior in high school and awhile back I was accepted to Ohio State University - Columbus campus. Anyway, my selected major is Linguistics because I am passionate about languages and the study of them, and my intented minor is International Studies. Say that I want to change my major to Pre-Med. Is Pre-Med only for college graduates or for undergraduates, too? And if it is for undergraduates, can I still be in Pre-Med, or did I have to put that on my original application which explained my intended major? I am just really confused; an explanation would be helpful. Thanks for all of the replies!</p>


<p>You have posted your question in the Nursing sub-forum. You might want to post it in one of the Pre-Med subforums.</p>

<p>Even though you are in the wrong forum it’s an easy answer. You can major in anything and then go on to apply to med school - you just need to have the pre-requisite classes and be a competitive candidate (good grades, good score on MCAT)</p>

<p>OSU has info on it here:</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Pre med usually isn’t a major. It just means the student is on track to take the required courses for med school admission - generally two years of chemistry with lab, one year of physics with lab and one year of biology with lab, English, one year of Calculis (sp?). Some require of suggest bio chemistry or other science classes. You can major in music if you want…as long as you take the requried classes, score well on the MCATs, volunteer or work with the general public and in clinical settings. (they want to know that you can work with people and that you understand what being a doctor is.)</p>