Is racism and safety an issue at Purdue?

I’ve heard a lot of mixed things about Purdue. Though it’s engineering department of great, I’m concerned with the scope of the campus outside that realm. As an Asian Indian, will I feel out of place and be treated differently? Are other minorities generally discriminated against? Are there many hate crimes on campus and in the surrounding city? Please be honest.

Have you done a Google search to see if they are being investigated or there were crimes there? Do you have a credible source for these rumors? Would it be fair if I asked if stressed4life was a racist?

@StewyGriffin‌ I didn’t mean to accuse the school of anything. I am simply concerned for my wellbeing best year

But how would you feel if people went around asking if you were (fill in the bad thing)? After a while other people are going to start saying, hey did you hear stressed4life is (fill in the bad thing). I just don’t think it’s fair to sully peoples’ or institutions’ reputations by reckless comments or innuendos.

Preach it , brother Stewy

Consider the race climate in the US, I think it’s very prevalent to ask the question about races and safety, especially for a foreigner. The only people who think the question is not legitimate are ones who were never prejudiced against. I am not racist, and the question does not bother me.

Having said that, Purdue seems to have a pretty good climate, well diversified, the international student population is large, the campus is very safe.

Some areas beyond the school are somewhat shady, and not as safe.

Typically, in the US you don’t want to wander around in unfamiliar area after dark alone and it’s true here too. The good thing is you have everything you need on campus. Many students don’t hardly go off campus except for those who have cars.

@fire123‌ thank you for providing a straightforward answer!

@stressed4lyfe I’m thinking about going to purdue too. I’ve vaguely heard about discrimination at purdue as well since it is 99% white. UNfortunately I don’t know anything concrete about the social aspect at purdue. @StewyGriffin‌ I think this is a perfectly legitimate question

Considering how 18% of Purdue students are international, no, our school is not 99% white.


In fact, according to the data from 2010, Purdue is ~ 70% white:

There are going to be a shitload Indians, myself included. So don’t worry about feeling out of place. The community in Purdue is great and the students are extremely friendly.