<p>Is that possible i can SIR to UCs and USC together?</p>
<p>sure. but wherever you go you will lose out on the SIR. i think…not sure :P</p>
<p>yeah you can. I did. just cancel one when u make ur decision</p>
<p>You would lose the $100 or so deposit you pay to all schools you SIR to and don’t attend, but that’s it. Nobody can force you to go to a certain school even though you SIR.</p>
<p>I really can’t think of an appropriate situation in which to send more than one SIR…</p>
<p>USC’s SIR is $300 btw</p>
<p>Dang…I personally would think twice about SIRing to USC…$300 for nothing is a lot of money in my book…Then again if you can afford USC, $300 might not be that bad lol</p>
<p>But we can not SIR for more than one UCs, like both ucla and ucsd right?</p>
<p>Because someone said one will get decline later if he SIR to 2 schools, is that right?</p>