Is the guy to girl ratio a problem?

<p>I'm a dude, and am considering coming here. I was never very successful with the ladies in Highschool, and noticed this guy to girl ratio is pretty unfavorable. Would this be a problem for me (or is it a problem for anyone attending there now)? I am also interested in various other schools, so please give me the honest truth. Also, what is the party life like up there?</p>

<p>Thank you for all of the help.</p>

<p>My school is in virginia and sends quite a significant number of kids there. To be honest, most of the partiers (the ones who don’t lack brain cells, anyway) end up at VT, have a great time, and as far as I know, don’t have any girl problems.</p>

<p>From what I can find the ratio is around 44% girls and 56% guys. This difference, which I think is rather small, really doesn’t matter. Just because there are more guys than girls doesn’t mean that all of the girls will be in a relationship at the same time. As an example, there are more women than men in the United States (~51% women to 49% men) however not all men are in a relationship as a result of this. Basically my point is that there will probably be very little, if any, problem trying to find a girl at Virginia Tech. </p>

<p>I don’t think that the likelihood of starting a relationship should really have much of a factor, if any, on your decision however it is still your choice.</p>

<p>You only notice it in certain majors, mostly in engineering. As far as partying and going downtown you’d never know. I guess there are more shut-in guys than girls.</p>

<p>also radford is really close by and has a TON of girls </p>

<p>Sent from my SCH-I400 using CC App</p>

<p>Yeah… Radford girls…</p>

<p>Wrap it up.</p>

<p>Thanks everybody, this is good to hear.</p>

<p>I never said they weren’t hot.</p>

<p>If anybody went to the old comedy club downtown at Attitudes they know what I’m talking about. I think it’s moved over to Awful’s now but I don’t know if it’s still as good. If Anthony Quinn is still involved I’ll bet it is though.</p>

<p>OH, I nearly forgot about radford. Trust me, my in-state HS is sending some real lut-says there, you’ll have a ball.</p>

<p>You should apply to radford instead of tech.</p>

<p>Theres around 9,950 undergrad girls there… plus all the radford girls, so I think you’ll be fine. If you can’t find a few out of a group that size then I doubt going to a different college will change much. Unless its the college of Charelston which has 2 times as many girls than guys, and 1/3 of the guys are apparently gay. If your that worried about it then maybe go there.</p>

<p>Plus a little competition doesn’t hurt anybody…goign to tech will be better because its not like someone’s just going to hand you a wife in the real world.</p>

<p>Funny you should say that Vtechhokie, College of Charleston is actually another school on my list. Thats not the only reason, but is definetely a perk. (The 2 times as many girls is a bit of an exageration, but still 63%). Another very similar school to Virginia tech I am looking at is James Madison University, which seems like it might be a better fit for me anyways. (better parties, close to ski slopes but that isn’t the dominant thing, still great food, highly rated business program, etc.)</p>

<p>*exaggeration, sorry that I didn’t fix the typo.</p>

<p>Like Vtechhokie said, there are still around 10,000 girls here and a good percentage of the guys are engineering students of which a good majority are not really your competition or anything(too busy). So your fine. If I could go back though, the one thing that I would have done to meet more women would have been to join a fraternity. It seems like the one sure way to get good looking women here is to join a fraternity unfortunately. I can say this because almost all of the parties I have been too, one of the first things girls have asked me is if I am in a fraternity. I just don’t have the time or money($1000+ a year) to do so nor the patience to put up with rushing. </p>

<p>So if women are your goal, you should do that. Otherwise joining lots of clubs or just being active will do. </p>

<p>Also, why choose a college based on the girl to guy ratio? There are far more important things and people don’t go to college primarily to date, that’s usually just a side effect.</p>

<p>sorry, I thought it was 66% … at least thats what it says on collegeboard. Which would be 2 times as many.</p>

<p>how about the ratio for people in greek life?</p>