Is the info about Muhlenberg on this site completely wrong?

It says Muhlenberg is NOT test optional, that nobody lives on campus and that ED acceptance is only 8%.

I don’t believe any of this is correct.

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Interesting, because even though it says

Muhlenberg College offers housing. Students are required to live on campus through senior year.

it also says (paradoxically)

Most Muhlenberg College students live off campus.

but this

In 2021, 30% of undergrads at Muhlenberg College lived in some kind of on-campus housing and 62% of students lived off-campus or commuted to Muhlenberg College.

makes me think that they’re reporting numbers and creating automated entries based on the anomaly of the covid-distance-learning year.

So how does one report such errors?


I wonder if I should just flag my own post…? Someone will take a look at it then, right?

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Worth a shot, I guess? :man_shrugging:

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FWIW, I found a way to report it, so it should be fixed at some point soon, I hope.

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thanks for the heads up! We’ll get on correcting it. Here’s what I wrote on another thread:


Just looked at the info page again, and it still says that most Muhlenberg students live off campus, which is untrue. It simply reinforces my belief that the source CC is using for these entries is basing their information on the previous academic year—however, the previous academic year included things like pivots to distance education due to covid, and if they’re not taking that into consideration the entire description of what colleges are like is going to be painfully off (because for stuff like campus life, the basis for description should be the year before covid).


I wonder if it’s because Muhlenberg owns a bunch of off-campus houses and apartment buildings that it manages along with the on-campus dorms. There were over 60 units the last time the list was updated.

My DD graduated in 2020 but she stayed on campus all four years.

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