<p>I really like the U.... I love the city, the campus, and it has great programs for my area of interest (polisci and/or economics). But, it's cold. I believe there was a discussion about the weather recently, but is it that bad? I'm coming from Florida, and I feel like if I chose U of M, I may be banging my head against the wall next winter knowing that I could have been at FSU or UF, in 50-60 degree weather. Most of my relatives live in South Dakota, so I have felt the bitter cold many times. But do you get used to it? I've only ever spent like two weeks in South Dakota at a time in the winter.... so I never have much time to acclimate. Right now I'm kinda stuck between UMN, UF(if I get in), and CU-Boulder. I love the urban environment that UMN offers, but my only concern is that the weather sucks. </p>
<p>This is an unrelated question, but how "prestigious" is the National Gold Scholarship? I was surprised to even get into UMN, much less get a scholarship... haha. </p>
<p>I guess it depends on how much you care about the weather. I’ve lived majority of my live in North Dakota (yes its cold!) and of course I hated the weather, along with everyone else, but you just get you used to it. Plus, if you really love the place you live in, the weather won’t bother you that much. Everyone wishes for summer during the winter, but most of the time you’re indoors anyway. The nice thing is that the spring, fall and summer are really beautiful. In the summer it gets pretty warm, but not to the point where you’re like dying for water or anything. You can be outside during the summer 24/7!</p>
<p>Sorry i have no idea about the scholarships :(</p>
<p>Not sure about the scholarship, but in regards to the cold, you’ll adapt. I lived in Florida for 6 years growing up and when I first got here the cold, heck, even seeing snow was a big change, but you get used to it. You’ll be cold, but even the people who have been here their whole lives will be too, but it’s tolerable. You’ll be fine.</p>
<p>Its not too bad if you wear the right clothes-layers, North Face is good, Carharrt is the warmest gear you will find on earth some people call it ugly but it works, plus you won’t be outside for long periods unlesss you choose to ie skiing, sledding etc.</p>
<p>Ughh, I hate cold weather. Kansas is pretty cold during the winter, but not as bad as Minnesota. But the fact is I am looking for the best education possible for my major and though weather may be a factor, there are more important things to consider in making a final decision…</p>
<p>^ That’s true. I just don’t want to be miserable while I’m doing it. But thanks for the input everyone! It will be really hard to decide where to go.</p>
<p>It is cold from about mid October to mid April and the months of Dec-Jan-Feb are brutally cold. It is true you will eventually get used to it but it is a painful process. U of M does offer world class education in certain departments and many believe it offers incredible value for money for OOS students. In your case the scholarship makes it even better value. So IMHO if you are the studious type willing to compromise little pleasures of life (eg go out for a stroll after supper), U of M represents a great option. If not, think twice. Good luck.</p>
<p>Having lived in MN for about 40 years (but since relocated to the SW), there is no question that it is cold and winter is long. But a lot of “surviving” MN winters is in your attitude. You learn to dress really warm . . . not worry about how you look . . . and stay indoors as much as possible when the weather gets extreme (those windy, below zero days). And when you have those really nice winter days – when it is sunny, around 20 degrees, with fresh snow – go out and enjoy it. Ice skate, sled, learn to cross country ski. UMN has done a great job of making it more manageable with the tunnels and shuttles, etc. I actually didn’t mind the cold and snow as much as when April came and we had another snow storm!</p>
<p>As a resident of Michigan, I don’t think Minnesota weather is bad at all. It can get really cold there, say around -30 degrees below zero ( or windchills) for a few days.</p>
<p>I remember reading a thread a while ago about how you are on Christmas break during the worst time in Minnesota in terms of weather. I think the break was close to a month and a half. If that helps at all</p>
<p>Unless you’re someone who puts a LOT of stock in being able to sit comfortably outside for long periods of time during the winter, I don’t think the weather will be much of a problem. If you wear layers (long sleeve shirt, sweatshirt, and jacket) and have a hat and gloves, you’ll be fine outside, especially because you’ll be moving while outside, and that keeps you warm. After you’ve survived some brutally cold days (wind chill well below 0) by doing what I said above, 30 degree days will seem warm and enjoyable, and it’s a pleasant thing.</p>
<p>this is kind of a weird question. say you are at a club. when you leave to go to another bar or club, do you have to get all bundled up again just to take off your jacket in 1 or 2 blocks?</p>
<p>^Depends on the temperature. If it’s 20+ degrees out you’ll be fine with just a sweatshirt (provided you’re just walking a block or 2). If it’s below 0, at the very least you’ll want a pretty heavy jacket, even for the short walk. </p>
<p>Longer distances are a different story: you’ll need a jacket if it’s 20 and a jacket, hat, and gloves if it’s below 10.</p>
<p>Umm, I looked up the temp. in Minneapolis right now and it’s 7 degrees. I went to school yesterday when the weather was in the 30s and I was cursing my life all the way. haha Soo never mind my previous post how weather is not important.</p>
<p>haha, i remember being in a t-shirt when it was 30 degrees in North Dakota and thinking “wow its nice out!” after being used to sub-zero weather</p>
<p>^Exactly. You’ll get used to it. Even as a lifelong Wisconsinite, 50 degrees at the end of summer is cold and 30 during winter seems warm. It’s all about what you’re used to, and after a little while you’ll get used to winter in Minnesota.</p>
<p>The temperature isn’t as much of a problem as the wind and windchill. but it probably isn’t as windy in the cities compared to where I am. Walking from a parking lot to the school with no windblockers when it is close to 0 degrees sucks.</p>
<p>As a resident of Michigan I don’t think the weather is bad at all, and wouldn’t have that stop me from applying. I myself just recently was filling out pappers for the ACT, though when able to list four schools I did not place University of Minnesota- Twin Cities as one. With the thoughts of lack of open land, grass, etc… though I’m trying to see if it really doesn’t lack those things, and maybe a plus for being in Minneapolis, and other great natures around. So experiencing second guessing the school also, when speaking of weather… I don’t think it’s horrible, but I wouldn’t expect 40-50 degrees during the winter months.</p>