Is there a sporting goods store on the Strip?

<p>My car-less frosh son needs to buy a sleeping bag pronto. Was just wondering whether there’s anyplace on the Strip that sells sleeping bags. Thanks in advance!!</p>

<p>I don’t know of any store on the strip that sells sleeping bags. Target, Wal-Mart, and Academy Sports all sell sleeping bags, but are not a walkable distance from campus.</p>

<p>LadyDi…how soon does he need it?</p>

<p>Does he have a friend or roomie with a car?</p>

<p>The school has free bikes, biking to Target might be possible.</p>

<p>I don’t know if you can overnight one to him thru Amazon.</p>

<p>when does he need it.</p>

<p>i have amazon prime (free 2 day shipping) if i can help … may be able to upgrade the shipping for a few bucks. pm me if you want to try this option.</p>

<p>The Zip Cars have been great for my car-less Freshman daughter. Although it takes about a week lead time to get your account all set up and be able to take one out. I’m really glad we signed up for it because she was very very frustrated never having a car. Now she goes to tumbling classes once a week, off campus honors classes, grocery shopping, and she can book other outside appointments (like hair and nails) without having to constantly try to get a ride. Plus she was getting a bit of cabin fever never being able to get OFF campus. She is much happier now - so even if it is a bit expensive - I’m happier too:)</p>


<p>If you’re able to reduce your home car insurance while she’s on campus, you might be breaking even or coming out ahead.</p>

<p>I don’t know if there is a hair/nail salon on the Strip…if not, there should be one! Seems like a source for clients!</p>

<p>There is a grocery store on the Strip…Publix.</p>

<p>Best bet is Academy Sports on Skyland Drive.</p>

<p>Thanks much, y’all!!!</p>

<p>Irksome thing is–he does have a sleeping bag. But it’s at home here at our house. (DH didn’t pack it because he was sure DS wouldn’t need it. Two camping trips later…)</p>

<p>Anyway, DS needs the bag for tomorrow night. I should have Amazon-Primed him one earlier in the week but kept forgetting. Hopefully he can get a ride to Target or Wal-Mart or Academy Sports. </p>

<p>Thanks again, y’all!</p>

<p>A big box store like Academy may be the best best, but there is also Black Warrior Outdoor on University Blvd downtown (accessible by biking, walking or even the bus that connects the Campus Dr parking deck with the downtown parking deck). </p>

<p>I don’t know how soon it will open, but Woods & Water is opening up a store on the Strip where Lai Lai and Pepitos used to be. At first, I thought it would be ludicrous to put a bait and tackle store on the Strip, but the owner told the news the store would be geared toward runners and joggers.</p>

<p>One trick with Amazon Prime is that items ordered on Thursday with Prime 2-day shipping will usually arrive on Friday (1 day shipping) at no additional charge as Amazon will usually use UPS to meet its delivery commitments and doesn’t pay for Saturday delivery as the additional [wholesale] cost for 1-day shipping is cheaper than the Saturday surcharge. The pair of shorts I ordered at 3 PM on Thursday arrived at Paty at 10 AM on Friday. </p>

<p>The new Woods and Water store on the Strip is open, but carries mostly clothing and sunglasses.</p>