Is there a vaccine for Tufts Syndrome?

<p>This is similar to the "what to put under 'other colleges'" section, but I think it's different enough to warrant it's own thread. When applying to a safety that asks for other schools you're applying to, how forthright should you be about where else you're applying to? Especially for a school that guards its yield quite viciously, as I hear GW does.</p>

<p>GW is a safety for me, but I'm torn about what to say under "what other colleges are you applying to?". On one hand, I am applying to 5 Ivies and quite a few other Ivy-caliber schools, but I also have several other schools around GW's level or lower. On the other hand, and this is going to sound totally obnoxious and arrogant, and I'm not trying to be, but I figure that they should know I'm applying to higher-ranked schools than GW after looking at my app, so I don't want to seem like I'm trying to hide something, though I don't suppose I could be hiding anything worse than 5 Ivy apps lol. I have already demonstrated interest by visiting and going on a tour, but don't know how much that really means.</p>

<p>What should I do to minimize my risk of falling victim to Tufts Syndrome?</p>

<p>This is also to ask in general about schools that are safeties which ask for what other colleges you're applying to.</p>

<p>Any advice greatly appreciated! :)</p>

I'd also like to add that at least for GW, the "where else are you applying?" question is not optional. Or, rather, it appears to be required, even though I understand that it is legally optional? Maybe kind of like race, though I doubt anyone's winning any affirmative action suits against their safety for falling victim to Tufts Syndrome...</p>



<p>Just put down a couple of Ivy reaches, a few around GWs level and the lower ones, and don’t worry about it, it’s really not that big a deal.</p>

<p>My oldest got into GW and he put down a a half dozen of his choices including 3 ivies.</p>

<p>Cure for “tufts syndrome”?>>>>demonstrated interest of some sort</p>

<p>I just checked the app again and it says to “Please list any other colleges or universities you are applying to”. The “any” makes me think we have to list them all? :confused: Though I suppose they couldn’t find out except for the ED?</p>

<p>You didn’t see the FAQ posted just today? Here it is again: </p>


<p>You could quote chapter and verse from the Statement of Principles of Good Practice of the National Association for College Admission Counseling:</p>



<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt; </p>

<p>and once you have done that, you could say, based on whatever is the truth, “Not wanting this to be construed as a statement of my order of preference, I am applying to”</p>

<p>a) “other colleges that appear to offer some of the same features as your college”</p>


<p>b) “a varied list of colleges to ensure that I carefully consider what is the best fit between me and each college”</p>


<p>c) “small liberal arts colleges with a focus on undergraduate teaching” (or whatever summary characteristic applies to all colleges on your list)</p>


<p>d) “a list of colleges developed according to policies of my high school counseling office”</p>


<p>e) “[actual list] but this list should not be taken to be in preference order”</p>


<p>f) “a list of colleges that I would rather not mention here, so that we take extra care to follow NACAC principles of good practice.”</p>

<p>Your own creativity can probably come up with some more choices. I do NOT see this question on many of the college application forms I have downloaded from the Web this year.</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt; </p>

<p>One student mentioned that a college that he was applying to online allowed only fifty characters in its online form for listing other colleges that he was applying to. That would allow for lots of fun possibilities, such as</p>

<p>Q: To what other colleges are you applying? </p>

<p>A: [in online form:] I am applying to other colleges that share some of the great characteristics of your college, for example </p>

<p>To sum up, if you are applying early decision somewhere, OF COURSE that college is your first choice, and you plainly signal to that college that it is your first choice by applying for a binding early decision program. But if you are applying for nonbinding early action, for rolling admission, or for regular action admission, no college should care much where else you are applying, and you are certainly not obligated to tell the college where else you are applying, especially not in a rank-ordered list.</p>

<p>It should be optional, in which case, leave it blank. Otherwise, put down an Ivy or two (be nice…put down the less selective ones), a few schools on par with GW, and maybe a safety. I’d say be honest, and cptofthehouse has a nice anecdote, but…Tuft’s Syndrome is alive and well. Make your list look mostly GW-caliber.</p>

<p>tokenadult, I did see and fully read your post from earlier, and I did find it helpful, so thanks, but that’s only addressing the issue of “ranking” your schools, which I think colleges can see through pretty easily. Obviously, if there’s an Ivy on your list, it’ll probably be higher on your list than GW. Or at least in most instances, and I would be shocked if GW didn’t assume this. I’m just wondering how much to say since it asks for “any” other colleges, and it gives me something like 5000 characters to list however many I am applying to, though I think I may just go with what glassesarechic recommended.</p>

<p>Thanks everyone!</p>



<p>No offense to what glasses said (it’s pretty much verbatim what I advised), I just think it’s interesting that you pass on the advice of two Mods and a Sr member (all who have had personal experience with college admissions) for the advice of a HS sophomore.</p>