I wish to join UofT for commerce after my +2(after 2016-17). I found that application date is in February but my CBSE will not be declared by then as it usually happens by the end of may. When should I apply? What should I do? Please help.
I just got acceptance letter from UofT. However i doubt that I can help you much because A) I did IB not CBSE and B) I applied for Computer Science not commerce
Your CBSE result will not have an affect on your admission decison. They will see your track record and then give you an offer if they think you deserve one which will have conditions of the grades that you need to get in the boards.
And what exactly are these conditions?
Getting 90% above overall and in math?
I’m an applicant and would be interested in knowing
In the Academic profile section of your application, there is a space to enter your board exam roll number. They will see your board scores once they come out perhaps. Till then just post your grades 9-11 scores, and possibly 12th grade mid-year scores.
Hey guys, I’ve got a conditional offer.
Could somebody please tell me what marks I need in my boards so that they don’t rescind the offer?