Is there any negative association with asking a Junior (or even a Soph) to the prom?

<p>Title says.</p>

<p>Definitely not. Freshman, yes.</p>

<p>No, not at all, at least at my school</p>

<p>OP, what kind of school do you go to? In my school if you’re looking to get some you go after the girls two years younger, so when I was a junior I hooked up with a few freshman. Even as a senior now, if there’s a smoking hot freshman who’s not a little baby, I’d ask her if she was interested.</p>

<p>It’s usually possible to get an even hotter date than normal by asking a younger girl. Most soph girls just want to be able to go to prom, in my experience.</p>

<p>Hmm, I go to a fairly large public school, and I’ll have to say that there are some pretty good looking girls who aren’t seniors. I’m thinking about this one Junior who I usually help with schoolwork and stuff, but if she says no I might as some Soph who’s a friend of mine.</p>

<p>there’s not so much stigma for senior guys, moreso for senior girls to do that</p>

<p>You don’t want to be a “freshmen rapist”</p>

<p>i’m bringing a junior!</p>

<p>No it’s ok. I think it’s fine if it’s a guy, but bringing a freshman is weird. One exception to the senior bringing a sophomore case would be if the senior was a girl, then that’s also odd and a no-no. That happened at last year’s and it was really weird.</p>

<p>My school has very little custom, level of decency, and expectations for prom that really… anything goes.</p>

<p>If the freshman is hot, it’s not weird at all. And it’s easy to avoid being a “freshman rapist”–simply refrain from raping freshman…</p>

<p>We’re so small, that if you didn’t date outside your grade, the dating pool would be so shallow your feet wouldn’t even get wet.</p>

<p>the plural was intentional, actually</p>

<p>My Winter formal date was a junior.</p>

<p>I might ask this really cute sophomore for Prom. Although she LOOKS like she should be a senior lol.</p>

<p>It also depends on the maturity of the little girl in question, some are much more mature than others.</p>

<p>Is maturity always a good thing?</p>

<p>If you want to justify bringing a sophmore/freshman I would think so. There are some sophs at my school i would feel weird bringing and some are much more mature.</p>

<p>I don’t bother meeting sophomores or freshmen (I’m a junior). In fact, I’m planning on asking a senior girl to my junior prom.</p>

<p>Ahhh. I forgot about Prom in the confusion of college apps.</p>