Is there any way

<p>I could get into Uchicago.
I am a white female but do not plan on releasing that info on my app.
although it is obviously apparent I am a girl...</p>

<p>Competitive all girls school sends a good amount of girls to top schools. ( 8ish/60 to ivies and about 70-80% to tier one schools)
GPA- 3.42 W ( school doesnt do uw so not sure) should be a 3.5 by EA time.
Median school GPA is a 3.51 and I may be able to pass that and be top half which isnt great but its an improvement. My course load would seem low if I posted it but my school isn't big on APs even though its a good school, anyhow my courses are above avg. for my school. </p>

<p>SAT ( retaking and should be able to pull closer to 700 on M and W).
M: 640

<p>Oh, also, GPA is low primarily because I had a hard sophomore year for non school related reasions and got 3 B- (aka a 3.00 and two 2.67 which pulled everything down). Junior Year GPA was a 3.7 which is still low but far better. </p>

<p>Essays- should be pretty good. I am working hard on them,will have college counselors read and writing is def. my strong suit to begin with. </p>

<p>Recs- should be awesome.</p>

* my big thing was with advocacy for a particular disability ( which i am not mentioning so i wont be as identifiable). I wrote part of a program for a national organization which was sold. Also, I interned two summers for the organization and was given near full rein over the program and its distrbution. Ended up devising a research plan to determine how to best advertise program and then acted upon plan, mailing two complementary programs to each afffiliate with order forms and instructions for use. I am going to try and come up with a feedback/followup form to mailed to the affiliates that will influence future programs. I also, have spoken for other organizations for this disability at major fundraisers and been involved in running these fundraisers.
* I have competed in forensics ( speech) all four years of highschool. My school doesn't have a real team and I did not do too well freshman and sophomore year but I have gone to camp each summer and did well junior year locally, got 6th at states and won a few local tournaments. Also, I made semi/quarter/octo finals at national tournaments and qualified for NCFL nationals. I should do pretty well at the start of the year and am crossing my fingers for finals at a national tournament in sept. Also, I have been VP of my team the first 3 years of high school and President senior year. Since my school doesn't do alot I have also managed registering my school etc so that I could compete for my school at tournaments we don't normally attend. Finally, I have coached middle school forensics
* I have been involved in choir throughout highschool. I have been in the general chorus all four years, in the freshman choir, an audition choir for soph, juniors and seniors as well as the somewhat selective a capella choir during junior and senior year.
* I have helped run church retreats at my church and am a coordinator of the pre-confirmation retreat for sophomores this year. I also went to a habitat for humanity type week two summers with my church.
*Part of Literary magazine junior and senior years and was an assistant editor junior year and Literary Editor Senior Year.
* I had an internship with a communications company for 3 weeks this summer and basically got my feet wet in different departments of business.</p>

<p>So if my essays are good and I interview well is there any chance of overcoming rough grades frosh and soph year? be brutally honest. offer suggesstions please. I love uchicago and am applying EA, but I want honesty.</p>

<p>Do you have a chance? Yes.</p>

<p>Should you be rounding out your list of schools with reaches, matches, and safeties? Also yes.</p>

<p>If you're looking for other Chicago-esque schools, I would suggest...</p>

<p>Other schools in our UAA conference: Case, Rochester, WashU, Brandeis, Carnegie Mellon, NYU, Emory</p>

<p>Womens' colleges: Bryn Mawr, Mt. Holyoke, Simmons, Smith, Scripps, Wellesley, Barnard</p>

<p>Some "Colleges that Change Lives": Reed, St. John's, Earlham, Beloit, Knox, Rhodes</p>

<p>West Coast schools: Whitman, Occidental, Claremonts</p>

<p>Midwest schools/south: Michigan, Wisconsin, Notre Dame Grinnell, Oberlin, Carleton, Rice</p>

<p>East coast schools: Tufts, Hopkins, usual suspects</p>

<p>Other schools in/near cities that haven't yet been mentioned: Macalester, Northwestern, UCLA, USC, Lake Forest, Sarah Lawrence, Berkeley, Northeastern, UMiami, Haverford, Vanderbilt, Temple</p>

<p>I didn't categorize the schools I listed as reaches, matches, safeties, etc. but I figure that if you do some of your own research on and the schools' websites, you'll find a bunch that you really like.</p>