Is there anyway to show this on a college resume?

<p>I know it doesn't really matter except it does.
I love animals. So a ton of my time is spent with them I volunteer, foster, am planning on joining 4-H and showing horses.
But (The great wonderful but) I can no longer afford our schools equestrian team. The prices have doubled and I want to show as well.
This means that I'll be starting private lessons else where and doing shows at something like random.
How do I show that I spend a lot of time working with horses on a resume?
I'll probably end up owning one too once I get a little money saved up and I'll spend all fee time there how do I explain that on a resume</p>

<p>Try incorporating it in your essay (make it a main topic possibly?)
or you can ask for letters of reccomendation from the teacher that manages the equistrian team and he/she can tell colleges about your dedication</p>

<p>it would also help if you win some equistrian awards which you can mention in your college app</p>

<p>As SleepingAway mentioned, you might like to incorporate your interest into your personal statement (the main essay of the Common Application). Alternatively, there is also a section to describe one extracurricular activity that is important to you in some detail on the Common Application. </p>

<p>In short, you will definitely have a venue to discuss your interest and explain your transition from the equestrian team at your school. </p>

<p>Good luck!</p>