Is this a good club to put on applications?

<p>I'm sure most of you are familiar with DDR? aka Dance Dance Revolution.</p>

<p>Well we had a club for it, where every Friday after school the members would go to the band room and we'd all take turns playing it. It was pretty awesome. I don't think we're having it this year though.</p>

<p>But anyways, I was in it for two years and was wondering it it would be okay to put on the application? Would it look bad, good, or just neutral?</p>

<p>Haha, that’s funny… If it were me, I would put it down, with a description. To show that I’m more than a 2D flat applicant. But that’s just me. If I were an admissions officer and saw Dance Dance Revolution after 200 NHS and 500 Key Club, I would laugh and know the person has a personality.</p>

<p>It will make them laugh, but the key is to show involvement. Being a member and dancing once a week is awesome, but won’t blow anyone away.</p>