<p>Due to my father's job, I have lived in 5 different countries.
Would it be a good essay topic if I talk about the experiences/emotions I felt while I lived in these countries?</p>
<p>Sure, great topic. However, almost any topic is good. It is really all about the writing and how interesting and personal you make it.</p>
<p>It’s not about the topic, it is about how you write it.</p>
<p>You will want your essay to reveal something about you and your character. Living in five countries will give you a wealth of information to draw from, but you need to make sure you keep the essay focused on the right thing. An essay where you say “first we lived here and this happened, then we lived there and that happened” is not about you at all. An essay where you say “When I lived here this happened and I felt this way about it” is also not really a good topic. Instead, you need to talk about how the experiences changed you, how they shaped your beliefs, how you acted, etc.</p>