I was planning to write my essay on my experience as an immigrant, I came to the U.S. in my freshman year of highschool and was the only person that spoke english in my family, I would talk about how I gained more responsibility (the essay would have a positive outlook, not a negative one). Good essay topic?
Yes. Good topic. Of course, lots of topics are good but they still have to be well-written.
@Spcorez - it’s really great idea for your essay! Do not forget to check plagiarism
Choose one small example of how you gained responsibility and focus on it. Not the broad “I am an immigrant” story that they’re read before, but the example of how you had to translate mail from school to your parents, or how you had to navigate bus routes in a language you were still learning or something along those lines. Don’t be “one of the immigrant” essays, instead be “the kid who…”