<p>I'm thinking of writing about my martial arts ECs, and how they kicked in one fateful night when I needed to defend myself and others...Basically a guy broke into my house and grabbed my mom...all this while I slept. I got up from the all the noise and screaming, and went outside. Gave him an ass-whoopin'...which prompted him to run away through the balcony...</p>
<p>The whole thing is WAY more complicated than that (WAY MORE), but I don't want to give too much away, since I don't want anyone with an essay exactly like mine...</p>
<p>I am not sure if this would be a good topic, since it DOES sound kind of far-fetched.</p>
<p>what’s the prompt of the essay? It would all come down to the execution of the essay. Make sure to tie this event to what the college is looking for (i.e. courage or w/e).</p>
<p>Evaluate a significant experience, achievement, risk you have taken, or ethical dilemma you have faced and its impact on you.</p>
<p>Martial Arts is something I’m passionate about, and I think If I wrote the essay correctly, it would stand out greatly…That’s not something that happens every day.</p>
<p>Choose an essay topic that allows for the most personal, detailed, honest and revealing essay.</p>
<p>My concern about this possible topic is that it could turn into a news story, a factual narrative, rather than an insight into your personality and the type of presence that you would bring to the campus. </p>
<p>If you decide that this topic allows for the most personal, detailed, honest and revealing essay, then imo make sure that the essay ultimately is about you and not about the event.</p>