<p>and the school limits the number of APs to 3 -_-;;</p>
<p>I think I will pick</p>
<p>AP Calc BC
AP Chem
AP Physics B or AP Physics C</p>
<p>And I will take 4 APs in my senior year. So I would have taken 7 APs before going to college.</p>
<p>Do you think 7 APs are ok if I am shooting for top colleges such as Stanford or Princeton? </p>
<p>And is three ok for a junior? I saw other people taking four or more in their junior year -_-;;</p>
<p>Oh and should I take Physics B if I want to major in Engineering? Or should I just take Physics C? By the way, I will take a regular physics class and an online AP physics, either B or C.</p>
<p>That is a very good mix of APs, it is actually similar to mine: AP Calc BC, AP Biology, and AP Physics B for this year (took the BC one yesterday). I suggest Physics C for engineering (it covers electricity and mechanics much more in detail).</p>
<p>yes, that is definitely a good mix. it doesnt matter how many ap's you take (and 7 is a great amount) it's how well you do as well, along with strong EC's, of course. (my friend got into harvard w/only 3)</p>